Two Shots, Two Tickets

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Kuroo quickly puts on his clothes after hearing your plan and gathers his belongings, leaving the bat behind (how unfortunate). Meanwhile, you rush over to the bathroom and burst open the window.

"Ready!" you shout once you've got the screen detached. "We can escape out this way, hurry up!"

"I still don't see why this matters," he grumbles as he rushes over to you while attempting to put on his belt. "We won't be able to get very far on foot. We're in the middle of nowhere!"

"I'll call a cab," you assure him as you climb on top of the toilet. "It'll be fine."

"You're fucking broke," he scoffs as he grabs you by your shoulder and stops you from your escape. "That isn't going to work!"

"Like you've got a better plan?! You told me to come up with something so I did!"

Kuroo scoffs and instead walks out of the bathroom muttering curses to himself. You quickly follow after him, hoping that he doesn't ruin your entire plan. But of course, he does as he walks out of the room straight through the front door. You suck in a deep breath as you chase after him before he gets himself in even more trouble.

Before long, Kuroo practically sprints away from you leaving you to run after him. However, you soon hear the sound of men shouting the second he turns the corner.

"Shit," you mumble to yourself as you peer around and see Kuroo being surrounded in the parking lot. You then look down at your keys and realize it's now or never.

Without sparing a second thought, you sprint right through the parking lot, past Kuroo and the cops, and straight into the driver's seat of the car. You put the key in the ignition and take off, money and all still in the trunk, just without your companion this time around.

That was the last time you ever saw him.

What did he expect? He met you as a thief- or a 'freeloader' as he'd put it- and you left him thinking that way, too. At least you no longer need that interview you'd be most definitely late to if you even attempted going.

You slam your foot on the break and bang your hands on the steering wheel as you curse yourself for genuinely contemplating going back for him

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You slam your foot on the break and bang your hands on the steering wheel as you curse yourself for genuinely contemplating going back for him. Perhaps it won't be the last time you ever see him after all...

"No way," you whisper to yourself as you shake your head. "I am not risking my life for him! No. Fucking. Way!" you end up shouting.

Grumpily, you pull the car over to the side of the road and get out. You slam the driver's door shut and walk over to the trunk. To your surprise, you find a gun amongst the bundles of cash. You quickly grab it and tuck it beneath the waist of your bottoms. Then, with a deep breath, you begin your march back towards the motel.

Soon, you arrive back where you started and find Kuroo being ushered into a police car with one cop on either side of him.

"Hey!" you shout as your heartbeat kicks up in anticipation of what you're planning. "Let go of him!"

The two cops stare at you in disbelief. As for Kuroo, well, he just looked pissed. However, you continue to walk closer, much to their distaste.

"I said to let him go!" you bark again, this time pulling out your concealed weapon.

Both cops put up their hands whilst Kuroo stands perfectly still in utter shock at what you're doing.

"Don't shoot!"

"Think of what you're doing, Miss. Don't get caught up in this!"

"Oh, shut the hell up. What makes you think I'd actually listen to that?" you scoff.

"Y/N, get the hell out of here," Kuroo grumbles just loud enough for you to hear him. "I'll be fine."

"You be quiet, too, or maybe I'll hit you by accident," you shout, already angered enough that you came back for him. How is it that you got so attached to him so quickly? He could tell you right now to shoot those cops and run away with him and you'd do it in a heartbeat without a second thought.

"Miss, please calm-" one of the cops begins to plead yet again, however, he's shortly interrupted by a shot to the chest thanks to one of the bullets you've borrowed from Kuroo.

Just then, the other officer reaches for the gun on his waist and points it towards you.

"Please sir, don't shoot me," you grin, mocking his friend. It's then that you quickly shoot him down as well.

Kuroo looks down at the two dead bodies on either side of him with his jaw to the ground in pure shock. He hesitantly steps backwards from the bodies, getting away from them before the blood pooling on the ground can reach his feet.

He then locks his eyes with you and stomps over. "Are you kidding me?" he shouts. "You almost fucking left me again!"

"But I didn't so you don't need to be a jerk about it!" you retort.

Kuroo stares at you for a minute longer before reaching his arm around your back and pulling you flush against his body. A searing kiss reaches your lips not a moment later as your eyes flutter closed and your body relaxes, almost enough for you to nearly drop the gun from your hand.

As he kisses you, you reach your hand into his and transfer the keys over to him. Then, when he backs away, a bit confused at the sudden trust you're showing in him, he smirks.

"You better not be goddamn late to your interview after all of this. When is that again?"

"And you better share that shit ton of cash in your trunk, Tetsuro. I did save your life after all," you grin.

Kuroo rolls his eyes but you can see the tiniest of smiles appear on the edges of his lips.

When the two of you get to the car, he tells you to hurry in. From your spot then at the passenger seat beside him, you realize it's too late- you've missed your interview entirely.

"So?" Kuroo asks, turning his head towards you. "What do you want to do?"

"Well, I'm kind of a wanted serial killer now after killing two cops. Even if I could make that interview, showing up might not be the best idea," you admit. "Is there any place you'd like to go?"

"Greece," he replies plainly.

"Greece?" you repeat.

"I've always wanted to go. What do you say?"

A smile grows upon your lips at the thought of the idea. "I'd love to go. Are you paying?"

"It's not like you've got the means for it," he replies, returning the gesture.

"Nope. Not a penny."

Kuroo feigns disappointment with a roll of his eyes. "Well, Y/N," he tells you as he turns the key into the ignition and starts up the car, "Here's to Greece."

He then pushes down on the gas just as fast as the first time you'd gotten into the car with him and he flies right down the road, heading towards the nearest airport as quick as he can.


{GETAWAY CAR} Kuroo x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now