How She Got There

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With your phone squeezed between your ear and your shoulder, you scrub each of your dishes clean while talking to your best friend over the phone.

"Yeah, I can't believe it either!" you say with a smile. "It's an actual well-paying job this time, I've just got to go to some interview as a formality but they said the job's as good as mine!"

"That's amazing, Y/N!" she replies over the phone. "You got anything to wear for that interview?"

You dry your hands on your shirt and turn around to face your narrow full-length mirror. You're wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a black band tee, definitely not your first choice for an interview.

"Uhhh, not really."

"It's too bad I'm not in town," she sighs. "I'd definitely let you into my house and borrow anything you wanted."

"God, you're so lucky you still live with your parents," you grumble. "Still can't believe mine kicked me out when I told them 'fuck college'."

"Well what do you expect?" she then giggles. "You know how they are."

"Fucking douchebags," you scoff as you continue to look at yourself in the mirror. Thank goodness your interview is still a day away. "Hey, I think I'll go out and buy something today."

"Yeah? Like what? You've got no money, Y/N. You're fucking broke! You've been living off of leftovers for the past week!"

"God, you don't have to remind me that," you say as your stomach rumbles quietly. "But it's fine I'll just grab something and run."

"You?" she scoffs. "You're gonna shoplift? Yeah, right. You're the last person to make a good thief!"

"You don't know that," you say with a smile as you walk towards your tiny bathroom and fix up your makeup. "I could be good at it."

"Whatever," she sighs. "I just want you to nail this interview so you can finally move out of that shitty apartment of yours... so if that's what it takes, then fine."

"Look, it's not like I want to," you remind her as you continue fixing yourself up, "but I really need this job."

"Yeah, I understand. Good luck with everything."

"Thanks," you reply with a somewhat worried grin on your lips. "I'll keep you updated tonight on how everything went at the store."

"If you get put in jail, I better be your only call," she teases.

"Oh, you will be. It's not like I've got anyone else to call anyway," you reply, choking out a laugh.

"Alright, well, if you need anything else, I'm only one call away. I love you, Y/N, please be safe!"

"Thanks, love you two," you hum before moving the phone away from your ear and clicking the red button to hang up. Then, the second you're off the line, you groan and shuffle over to your bed.

After tucking your phone into the back pocket of your pants, you flop into a seat on your couch that doubles as your bed and reach underneath to grab a pair of sneakers. Then, once they're slid onto your feet, you open up your front door which is right there across from your so-called 'bed'. With a deep breath, you give yourself the silent pep talk of "you can do this" and step out into the warm, fresh air.

Since you don't have a car and no spare change for a bus, you walk for what feels like hours until you get downtown. Eventually, you stumble across an H&M at the corner of an intersection and make yourself inside. There, you begin your search for clothes befitting an interview. However, there's not a single piece without those stupid ink tags attached to them.

I could probably google a how-to video if I just ran out of here with them, you rationalize to yourself.

With that plan in mind, you gather a few items and walk into a dressing room. You change quickly into a potential outfit- a plaid skirt with a black top and a blazer over. You've even found a silver necklace that you put over top to complete the ensemble.

I look pretty good, you smile to yourself. Just a pair of black shoes would make the whole thing perfect.

Once you've decided, you take off the new clothes but keep hidden the silver necklace. You then fold up the rest of the clothes and walk out as though you're ready to make your purchase. But of course, that was never part of your plan, and instead, you casually walk over to the front door.

After counting to three in your head to cool yourself down, you burst right past the security dividers and out the store doors. Sirens begin to go off from what feels like every direction but you don't even both to look back as you run away as quickly as your legs can carry you.

You run and run until you notice a cop heading your way fast. You watch him as he radios something in, but then quickly turns back in the opposite direction. Stunned, you stop for a moment to catch your breath and look around.

Eventually, you spot an abandoned-looking car with orange tags all over it parked down an abandoned-looking side street. Thinking that it's most likely been abandoned, you run towards it and break the back window to unlock the door and allow yourself in.

Once you're able to fling the door open, you toss your new clothes inside and slump down hoping that no cop or civilian saw you get in.

"Oh shit, thank god," you whisper to yourself as you attempt to steady your heart rate. However, it does nothing but kick up the second the car begins to move all on its own.

{GETAWAY CAR} Kuroo x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now