When They Met

457 19 26

Y/N'S P.O.V.

Just as the car begins to move, you pop up anxiously from the backseat. Your whole body tenses up immediately as you brace yourself for the driver's sudden jerky movements. "What the hell!" you shout, "Eyes on the road!"

When the man hears you he swerves, doing the opposite of what you wanted him to do.

"Who the fuck are you?!" he shouts with just as much energy as you had while yelling for your life.

"Me?! What are you doing in an abandoned car!" you shriek.

"I could say the same about you!" he shouts back as he stares at you through the rearview mirror.

"It's none of your business," you snap before changing the conversation before the man gets too interested in why you're there. "How'd you even get the keys to this thing?"

"It's my friend's car, you freeloader!" he scoffs.

"If it's your friend's then where are they?" you say as you continue to provoke him, only to be stopped as he takes a sharp turn around a corner that forces you to bang your head against the car window. "And why are you driving like a maniac!"

Just then, there's a loud booming noise that rebounds off the pavement behind you. When you turn around, you see a police car with a man holding a pistol outside the passenger window. Judging by where the sound came from, you assume the shot just barely missed the car's back right tire.

"Well would you rather I stop?!" he asks in a sarcastic tone that makes you seriously pissed off.

Once more, you turn around and watch as the police car gets closer to the one you're in. You have no idea how this actually happened, but somehow you got yourself involved in a car chase.

"No!" you squeak when you hear another shot go off. "Go faster!"

When you turn back to face the man who must be extremely confused as to why cops are chasing after him, you feel as though your heart is beating out of your chest. Luckily, he steps on the gas and books it out of there.

Once it's safe to relax and the police car is no longer in sight, you turn around to the man with black hair in the front of this strange car that's driving you to god-only knows where.

"Hey, so who are you anyway?" you wonder as you stare down his rooster-like hairstyle.

"You first," he scoffs. "You're the one who got into my car so I think I deserve an explanation first."

"No way! And it's not your car! You said it was your friend's!" you retort, not wanting to give up your identity to a total stranger too quickly.

"Fine, since you're so damn stubborn, I'll go first. Name's Kuroo Tetsuro... Now you."

With a roll of your eyes, you comply and give him your real name- it doesn't matter anyway so why would you lie about it? Besides, he gave you his.

"Alright, Y/N, we're taking a stop for gas, and then I'll bring you home," he explains.

"That's not sketchy at all," you huff sarcastically. "You could use all that mileage to drive me into the middle of nowhere."

"Trust me, I wouldn't want to go to all that effort for a freeloader like you."

"Will you stop calling me that? I didn't think this car could even more! I mean look at it!" you scoff in reference to how shitty looking the car truly looks.

Kuroo doesn't give you a direct reply, and instead pulls into a gas station parking lot. He jumps right out of the car (since he didn't even bother to use a seatbelt and you aren't sure if there even is one) and walks to fill up the car's tank. As it begins to fill, he walks away towards the store.

While you watch him walk away, you unlock your door and run after him.

"Hey!" you shout, "Where are you going?!"

"Inside," he replies without even looking back at you. "That okay with you, princess?"

"God, you're such a dick," you mutter to yourself just quiet enough for him not to hear you.

"Thanks for the reminder of what I've got," he says with a wave as he wanders inside.

With a frown, you follow him inside where you find him walking up and down the rows.

"What're you doing now?" you grumble.

"Getting a snack. You want something?" he hums.

"I want to know where we're going!" you snap.

"I already told you, I'm bringing you home!"

"Then why the hell do you need snack?!" you grumble. "Besides, I don't want you knowing where I live!"

Kuroo eyes you up and down silently for a moment before allowing this seriously annoying smirk to grow from the side of his lips. "I doubt you have anything I'd want to steal."

He then walks away, still walking amongst the isles as you follow after him like a lost puppy.

"Listen, I can't go back there right now. Please," you begrudgingly admit.

"Then where the hell do you want to go?" he asks as he finally stops and turns around to face you.

Your body tenses up as he almost squeezes you in between him and the front windows of the store. But just as you're about to answer, his eyes shift to something behind you.

When you turn around, you see a police car stopped at the light across the street. Kuroo grabs your hand immediately, and still, with no questions asked, he rushes you back to the car while stuffing a few snacks in his other arm along the way.

Kuroo doesn't pay a single car to the gas handle that's still attached to the car, but instead dumps you right in the back seat and drives off. However, the idiot runs the light the cop is still at, so when he speeds away, the cop starts chasing.

"Seriously!" you say as you begin to freak out. "Another car chase?! Can't you drive normally?!"

"It's fine, don't worry," he assures you as he frantically checks his rearview mirror.

You suppose the cop has not identified Kuroo's car and eventually just gives up, thinking that it wasn't worth all that much to him- for which you're quite thankful. And luckily, Kuroo goes fast enough without stopping until leaving the car in the dust behind him.

The situation you've found yourself in is quite mind-boggling, you can hardly keep track of what's going on yourself. Besides, you and Kuroo made a silent agreement not to talk about what led the two of you there. You're not quite sure you'd want to tell him anyway, but you are a bit confused as to why he's so anxious to get away from the police, too. Does it have something to do with the abandoned car you're in?

Whatever it is, you just hope he's not a murderer. You can't even imagine being in a situation like that.

{GETAWAY CAR} Kuroo x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now