Why They Stripped

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"Yeah?" you hum as you roll your head to the side to look at him.

"It's after hours, we can just strip."

You think about it for a moment to make him sit in anticipation until finally shrugging and agreeing. "Okay, sure."

"Seriously? You're actually down for that? Even though you're so uptight and stubborn?"

"Do you want me to change my mind?" you scoff. "Don't ruin it."

"Alright, I won't," he grins. "I just wasn't expecting you to actually say yes."

You shrug as you give him your explaination. "I've got no reason to say no."

You then sit up and sit down on the ground before the minifridge. You open it up without much hope, but your eyes light up as you see it's actually filled with small alcohol nips. What kinda hotel did this asshole bring you to?

You grab all of the small bottles in your arms and toss half of them over in Kuroo's direction. If ever there's been a night to drink it's this one. You then smile a big smile Kuroo's way as you stand up. With your hand on his wrist you beam, "Come on, let's go for a walk!"

Together, the two of you walk out of the room and through the motel laughing and chugging the small drinks, tossing them in nearby garbage cans as you pass. You have a genuinely great time for which you're thankful. Kuroo's not acting like a jerk or being moody anymore and your smile hasn't faded in the past ten minutes.

Eventually, you make your way to the pool. You smile when you see it and gasp. Kuroo grins back at you and the two of you race right over, already drunk. He opens the gate and you both rush across the enclosed area.

You place down two unopened nips by the pool and strip yourself of your jeans and shirt. Kuroo smirks his signature smirk that'd probably piss you off if you weren't intoxicated. As for right now, he doesn't look half bad. But that thought alone is enough to make you quickly strip down to your entirety and jump right into the pool. You're not too messed up to foolishly expose yourself for no reason. Besides, after that thought you definitely need to clear your head with a swim.

But to Kuroo, he witnessed something completely different. He just watched you strip down so fast it left his head spinning. He wasn't expecting you'd strip at all, yet do it so anxiously. And as you jump into the pool, he's quite glad that it's too dark for you to see the astonished and somewhat flustered expression on his face.

Once he's collected himself, he chugs the rest of his opened drink and strips down to splash in right beside you. As he does, you find yourself suddenly realizing the situation you've got yourself into. You dunk yourself right under the water and swim towards the edge where you left the unopened drinks. Tossing one over to Kuroo, you flip off the cap and hold out the bottle to say "Cheers!" before downing it in its entirety.

For awhile, the two of you laugh, drink, and have a great time in the dark pool. You're surprised that nobody heard or complained about the splashing and laughing, but you aren't going to complain. You're enjoying your time with Kuroo for the first time all day and you're beginning to realize he's actually fun to be around.

"Hey," he calls after you pick your head up from under the water, "you ever think it'd be nice to be filthy rich?"

"What kinda question is that?" you laugh. "Only, like, every day of my whole life!"

"Right," he nods. "I was just wondering 'cause my whole life's dictated by what money can or can't buy me."

"Why are you being so philosophical right now?" you giggle. "Besides, not your whole life is dictated by money. Money had nothing to do with you coming out to the pool with me tonight."

Kuroo swims in place for a moment as he takes into consideration what you just said. But in the end, he doesn't wind up saying anything in response at all.

"Come on, lighten up," you smile idiotically as you swim towards him. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull yourself close, completely forgetting that you're one hundred percent naked in front of an equally unclothed stranger. "God, I would have for sure gone to jail if it weren't for you..."

You then put your head down on his shoulder as you unknowingly press your body against his. "Yeah, good thing I got away in time," he hums as his hands hesitantly wrap around your back.

You nod and the two of you share a quiet smile. You stand beside him for a moment, sinking in the comfortable silence before you pick your head up and lock eyes with him.

"Ya know, you nearly scared me to death when you started up the car."

Kuroo grins at your comment. "Like I said, I wasn't expecting to see a pretty girl like you back there so it was a surprise to me, too."

"Hm, well, I'm kinda glad I decided to shoplift now," you tease.

"I can't say I disagree," he mumbles, and as he does, you catch him gazing down at your smile that fades as you begin to realize the position you've put yourself in.

You knit your eyebrows together as you wonder if this is wrong. You don't even know if this guy's got a girlfriend or a partner or maybe even a spouse! You can't just go around kissing him without asking about that first!

However, as your thoughts begin to pull you away from the situation around you, Kuroo cuts you short and is the one who leans down to quickly kiss you before you can ruin it.

{GETAWAY CAR} Kuroo x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now