Chapter 33

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"Heya guys, where are you?" Jimin plunged into their house while both were in their respective rooms.

"Come out of your shells guys," Yoona yelled, hand in hand with Jimin.

Haru came out reluctantly, rubbing her eyes as if forcefully woken up.

"What in hell is wrong with you guys, yelling like idiots? Don't you know I am with a child!" She hissed angrily, obviously moody.

Jungkook too came out, his headset hanging around his neck. One leg of his pyjamas was folded up to his thigh.

Haru burst out laughing at how he looked, "look who looks like an idiot," she blubbered. Her mood swings were insane and Jungkook was used to it.

One minute she may be crying over the last chocolate chip cookie and when he brought more for her, she may start to hate it. Undoubtedly, he loved running errands for her. It made him feel proud.

"Guys guys, it's almost the end of the seventh month! Come on. Let's go for the baby shopping!" Yoona passed with a broad grin on her beautiful face.

Her words ignited a spark on the couple's face. The thought of their child in their arms made them infinitely euphoric.

"Oh my God! Yes! I wanna go just now!" Haru exclaimed.

"M-Me too," he said shyly, not knowing if he would be allowed to.

"Yeah yeah and also, we would be buying a cradle and also the clothes and also-"

"Yeah, everything just go and change then. Both of you," Jimin smiled at Haru. He was as much excited. They knew the hostility between the couple, and being the very supportive best friends after knowing the truth, they can't just sit still.


"Jungkook! Jungkook!" Haru called for him as they were strolling through the kids' section of the mall.

Jungkook looked back instantly and saw Haru rushing towards him with careful steps. With the baby bump, she seemed as if a penguin walking up to him, and that was utterly endearing to him as he smiled.

"Hm?" He simply asked.

She showed her the little socks she found on one of the shelves. Jungkook immediately went uwu over them. His hand reached for his heart dramatically and his eyes closed shut looking at the cute little thing in her hands.

"Why is this so cute," he pouted, having literal hearts in his eyes.

"Exactly, aww," she had a similar disposition.

"Voila!" Yoona whispered as she stood behind one of the stands.

"Let me see too, are they together?" Jimin hissed behind her.

"Shh Jimin, are you a kid?"

He scoffed, "it's you who are being kiddish. Move from there, I also wanna see the progress," he pulled her lightly but she yanked his grip.

He suddenly felt competitive, pulling her with all his force while she was fighting with all that she had.

"I said let me see," Jimin said when his hands were on her shoulder.

"Stay away mochi," Yoona countered, her hands in his hair, pushing him back. Due to their movements, the stand behind which they were hiding, fell down creating a jarring sound, revealing the bickering couple.

Jungkook and Haru looked back at them with wide eyes. The elder couple smiled awkwardly, crimson hue painting their faces, leaving the grip on each other.

"Oh look chim, let's go there," Yoona pointed to somewhere, not particular.

"Oh yes, what are you waiting for?" Jimin said pulling Yoona with him.

"What happened to them?" Haru asked Jungkook.

"I don't know. They are always doing idiotic things. I am so embarrassed." He shook his head.

"Like you don't? I still remember in school you had ketchup on your shirt and going around saying that you got stabbed. Man, I cannot even tell how much I was embarrassed. Ahh... How to forget this?" She said her face and ears all red, feeling the awkwardness vicariously.

He, on the other hand, felt a warm feeling creeping all over his body. She still talks about him... She remembers him. The real him and not the monster that ruined her life.

"Why are you looking like that? You were embarrassing!" She said in a matter of fact tone.

"I was a kid!"

"You were eighteen! And damn, you came with notecards to propo-" she stopped abruptly, her smile faltering. A wave of realisation washed over her face, her face muscles relaxed and her eyes became dull.

Jungkook noticed it, "come on. You've made enough fun of me for that." He tried to continue but she just nodded and walked ahead clearing her throat.


He placed the last bag on the floor while she sat on the couch, exhausted.

"Didn't we buy too much?" He looked at the amount of bags that covered the floor of their living room.

"Everything was just cute, I could not stop!" She said, her eyes wide and an evident pout on her lips. He had the familiar urge of just landing his lips upon hers but as always, he has to control his urge.

He bit his lower lips in trance, watching her looking effortlessly elegant and endearing. How? He questioned himself. How can she look so beautiful after all that I did to her?

He felt disdain, this kind of pout and smile, the one he cherishes the most. He was the reason that it became a rarity. His heart thumped and he closed his eyes, cursing himself of even thinking of kissing her pure lips. He was a demon in his eyes and somewhere he thought, he didn't deserve her anymore.

"Jungkook," she called pulling him out of the daze.

"Yeah?" He asked watching her face detorting into something pensive.

"Do you think we would be good parents? We are still young ourselves..." She asked and his heart pained even more. Again, he started blaming himself.

He went ahead sitting on the same couch, a little far away from her.

"We can try," he said. The same question has gone through his brain a gazillion times. No matter how many books he read on how to be a good dad, he was really unsure if he could provide that love to his child.

"Will we succeed?" She asked genuinely, "I am so selfish. All the time, I always thought of me being pregnant... I gave so little time to think that I'm gonna be a mom. A figure I had missed so much in my life... Would I be able to provide that stature to my kid? Would I be able to love my child the way I wanted to be loved?"

He smiled, "you would be. You are absolutely the best Haru. You would be the
best mother that ever existed. You are saying you are selfish? You gave up everything for our baby. You've been a mother even before you got your first ultrasound.

Our baby will be having the best mother-"

"And the best father," she smiled causing his heart to flutter instantly.


(A/N: I don't even realise. I start writing and suddenly it's over 1000 words! 😩)

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