Chapter 25

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He woke up in a daze, he overslept due to the exhaustion. His back was stiff and ached. As he sat up, the blanket slid down his shoulders. His eyes intercepted the blanket and pillow making him confounded. He examined the blanket as if he were a caveman first time witnessing the comfort.

Where did this came from? Did Haru... Why would she? But there is no one except her. A smile formed on his face, not just a smile, a broad grin.

What a good start of the day, he thought. Actually, not so good start of the day - waking up on the floor with a backache was not to the very least but he was happier than what he had been in days.

He stretched himself once and then folded the blanket neatly and placed it over the pillow. He sniffed himself hoping that he attained a little of her essence and on inhaling that mild vanilla scent from his shirt, he felt victorious.

He picked up the pillow and blanket and knocked once on her door. No response. Again. None. Finally he opened the door but she wasn't there.

He was intrigued. He placed her belongings on the bed and went on the quest to find her. He searched the entire house for her but failed miserably. A crazy fear settled in his bones as he ran desperately throughout the house.

He rushed outside asking the gatekeeper for the information.

"Sir, Ma'am left in the morning," he informed.

"Where to?"

"That I am unaware of."

"Was there anyone with her? Or was she carrying anything?" He inquired.

"As far as I remember, she had a big bag with her. That's all."

His breathing hitched. All the sunflowers that bloomed in his soul in the morning seemed to wilt.

He pulled out his phone. Though he knew she won't pick up, it was legitimate to give a try.

One ring. His heart thudded, pleading. Another followed by another till he became desolate.


[Haru? You picked up?]

[Should I not?]

[No. Sorry. I didn't mean
that. Where are you?]

He was expecting something like 'don't bother' or 'how does it matter to you', and he knew it would break his heart. But he still jammed the phone to his ear.

[I was going to Busan. Will be back
in a day or two.]

He was alleviated, his face muscles relaxed at the piece of information. But suddenly, the epiphany struck him.

[You're alone? You're
driving alone? In this condition?]


[Huff! Then? Who's there with

[Yoona Unnie and...]



The little hair at the back oh his neck raised in apprehension. Listening the name of the person whom he presently hated the most made him imagine the depths of desolation.

[WHAT? Haru, halt wherever
you are. I am coming there.
Don't move. You don't know that
sly woman. She will hurt you.

Please wait for me.]

[It's no need Jungkook. She won't
hurt me. You know it.]

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