I blink. Woah. I should've expected that. Frankly, I deserve to be called out. I have been a very very shitty person. She definitely deserves some sort of an explanation.

"You're right, I haven't treated you well at all. And I know there's no excuse for how I've acted towards you, but the truth is... at Myer Labs I had anxiety medication. Since escaping, I haven't taken it, so sometimes my thoughts run rampant and cause me to act in ways that aren't always the most appropriate. My mind just seeks out how to reduce the anxiety without considering the consequences. I've realized this, and I'm trying to be better, but I guess it hasn't been showing. I'm sorry for the way I've treated you. Really, I am. It was wrong of me to take out my emotions on you."

I sigh, taking a second to catch my breath, "So to answer your question, I offered to help you with your cramps because I seriously want to help."

Lia stares at me, chewing on her bottom lip as she mulls over my statement. My nervous anticipation for her response builds with each second that ticks by. I don't even have any guesses about what she might say.

"I'm sorry to hear about your anxiety. I had no idea that you took medication for it. I mean, it's kinda obvious how bad it can be, but I just assumed it was stress from our current situation. However, like you said, it's no excuse to treat someone poorly. I do accept your apology. It was very genuine, unlike Siggy's, so I can tell how much being a better person means to you. Since you really want to help me and not yourself, I'll let you be my heating pad."

I smirk. This must be how Lia felt when I said I believed her. The overwhelming sense of relief knowing that someone else understands.

"Cool." Oh shit. I'm just now realizing what's going on. "So, uh, do you want me to go up there or..."

"Oh," Lia sounds equally caught off guard. "No... no, I can go back there."

I nod. Instead of getting out of the truck and using the door to get to the back seat, Lia starts climbing over the front seat. She leans over the seat, the top pressing into her abdomen as she pushes herself forward with her arms.

"Woah, are you sure you should be doing that?" From the look on her face, there's no way that that position is comfortable.

"It's all good," she says as she slides over the seat.

Not wanting her to fall on my legs, I quickly pull them near my chest. Lia twists her body and flops onto the bench, nearly kicking me in the process.

"See?" The corner of my mouth quirks up,

"Well, sorry I underestimated you." Lia giggles softly while she rolls her eyes,

"I guess I accept your apology. Anyway, how do you want to do this?"

That's a good question. I want to make sure that she's comfortable, but I also don't want to be uncomfortable.

Stop, this isn't about you.

"I'm fine with whatever you're ok with." Lia nods, her brows furrowing,

"Ok, so would your arms be touching me?" I hold up my hands,

"Only if that's what you want."

She purses her lips and looks at her lap, her brows still furrowed.

I hope I'm not putting too much pressure on her to make a decision. I am getting a little impatient, though. Mostly because I'm starting to feel tired.

"How about we start with one way, and you can decide if you like it or not." Lia looks up at me with a small smile,

"Yeah, that sounds good." I run through some options in my head until I find one that might work.

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