Chapter 22

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    I sit on the log alone. Lincoln went to bed early, along with everyone else. Well, almost everyone. Through the tent's thin walls, I can hear Charlotte and Vince whispering to each other. I can't quite make out what their hushed voices are saying, but the conversation sounds kind of heated.

   Bringing my legs up onto the log to hug them, I watch the golden flames of the fire dance, casting flickering shadows around me. I'm glad that Lincoln put a few extra sticks into the fire before going to bed since there's no way I'm falling asleep any time soon.

   Aside from the chirping crickets and the quiet conversation from the tent, the woods are practically silent. Lonely. The sounds remind me that I'm not completely alone. Speaking of not being completely alone, I officially have a friend now. Before, I considered (some of) the others to be my friends. Now, I know that I have someone to depend on; Lincoln.

   Smiling to myself, I put my chin on my folded arms atop my knees. Thinking of Lincoln and I's friendship brings enough pleasant thoughts to calm my brain down. My eyelids feel sort of heavy and I'm struggling to keep them open.

   Just as I'm about to fall asleep, polyester tent fabric swishes and a zipper slowly unzips. I glance over my shoulder to see Charlotte crawl out of the tent closest to me, being careful to not make too much noise. She zips the tent door closed and clicks on a small flashlight. The beam of white light surveys the surroundings, making me squint when it lands on me. Charlotte lets out a quiet gasp before realizing it's me.

"Lia! Thank God it's just you!" She smiles. "I didn't know you were still up." Charlotte begins to walk towards me, turning off her blinding flashlight as the golden glow from the campfire provides enough light for us to see each other.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I'm really not that sorry. With a quick wave of her hand, Charlotte dismisses my apology. At least I think that's what she's doing. She could also be swatting away a mosquito or another incredibly annoying bug.

"Eh, don't worry about it. I think we're all a little on edge, with being searched for by a bunch of people and all." So it wasn't a bug. "Anyway, I have to go use the toilet. I'll be back soon."

"See ya." I say with a small wave. Charlotte continues to smile as she clicks her flashlight back on and hikes off into the woods. Turning back to face the fire, I sigh. "Searched for by a bunch of people" yeah, right. You and your boyfriend are perfectly fine, Charlotte, it's the rest of us that need to be worried.

    Without the conversation from the tent, the woods are a lot quieter. Aside from the crickets and the crackling campfire, it seems empty. Seems empty. Who knows what could be lurking out there in the dark, watching, ready to attack and/or capture me. And if, no, when it does, I'd be long gone before the boys would be able to come out of their tents to try and help.

    Suddenly, the burning logs in the fire collapse, nearly causing me to scream. The dim light from the fallen campfire does nothing to help me. Now shaking, I feel an overwhelming need to pee. Fuck. I rise from my seat on the log and quickwalk over to the second tent.

    Outside the door, I hesitate. The last time I did something like this, Darwin held me at gunpoint. Lincoln's in this tent too, and I really don't want to have two guns aimed directly between my eyes. I really really need a flashlight, though. Oh, God.

    "Lincoln, Darwin, it's Lia." I half-whisper before unzipping the door. Just as I suspected, both Darwin and Lincoln are awake and staring at me, each with a hand under their pillow.

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