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Chapter 11

I decide to try and go to sleep. But as expected I can't. I keep tossing and turning for hours on end. Leo's face always seems to make an appearance whenever I'm about to drift off. His dark eyes pleading for life, blood running down his face...

I sit up from the bed and run my hand through my messed-up hair. My eyes drift over to the clock on the bedside table. 4:36 am. I rest my head back on the pillowcase. At least it's almost morning. My eyes close again as I try to will myself asleep. But as expected my mind won't drift away from the night's tortures. It drifts from the lacrosse game to Brett, to Leo, to her... Her brown eyes and tainted blonde hair with a scar running down her left cheek appear in my vision. She lifts up her crossbow in front of her before a smirk appears on her features. The arrow zooms right towards my eyes...

I jump out of bed again. Light begins pouring in through the curtains. My eyes trickle over to the clock again. 6:47 am. A breath escapes my lips before I get out of bed, get dressed, and make my way downstairs.

I might as well start exercising then if I want to get stronger.

"What are you doing up?" Derek grumbles from his bed.

"Training," I state simply before starting to do some pushups on the floor.

"You're worse than Cora, you know that." He says getting out of bed. "At least she waited until I was awake to start training."

"I'm not asking you to train me," I say in between reps.

"Then what are you doing?"

"Exercising." I roll my eyes. "You really can't function in the morning."

"You've never bothered with all this before so why now?" I pause mid-push-up as images of Leo flash through my mind like ice water.

"Well..." I drawl as I jump to my feet. "If I'm on a deadpool I wanna make sure I'm strong enough. That's all."

"If you're thinking you're just going to overpower them, then you're gonna lose."

"Why? I'm A Werewolf and they're not."

"All the assassins that have been coming after us are trained. Especially if they're a hunter."

"But I have claws and super speed."

"But they have skills and training. Not to mention the arsenal of weapons."

Maybe I need some skills and training...

I park my bike outside the school and stare up at the building

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I park my bike outside the school and stare up at the building. Students' laughter fills my ears as they walk with their friends toward the entrance. My mind can't stop drifting to Leo. He should be there. Enjoying his school day with his friends... A life he will never have.

I put my helmet on and drive away from the school. Before I even know what I'm doing I end up driving down the same road. Past the same alley. Police tape is laid out around the area I was at just a few hours ago. Mr. Stilinski stands amongst a crowd of officers as they chat in hushed whispers, wondering what could have happened. No doubt Stilinski already knows it was an assassin who did this. I speed up my bike and drive past them and back to the loft.

I am the Prey  ~ S.M [ 2]Where stories live. Discover now