Chapter 3 - Saying Goodbye

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She couldn't concentrate on her book anymore; she'd been so flamboyant with her words.

Had she offered him? Was she going to get kicked out now? She didn't bow, was she meant too? She was freaking out.

She had returned to her room and was pacing when it hit 7pm. Gail entered her room and she jumped shocked by his sudden entrance.

"I said 7pm sharp, come on, everyone's waiting." He stated.

She looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Just kill me now." She groaned. "I was with the Alpha today and didn't even know it, I was so rude!" She pulled the draw strings of her hoodie making the fabric bunch up and cup her face.

He laughed. "I know, it's all he's been talking about for the last couple of hours."

Her eyes widened in terror. "Shit! I'm so going to be kicked out."

He laughed harder. "Actually no, he enjoyed your chat very much, he's coming tonight, which is surprising since he normally skips all these kinds of events."

"He is? He does?" She was so confused, but still very, very terrified.

"Most of the she-wolves just try to court him at these things, you'll see what I mean WHEN you get your ass into gear and come with me." He took a step toward her reaching for her hand as he spoke.

She took a step back shaking her head. "Yeah, see, I really don't think-" She was cut off.

"You don't want to keep him waiting, do you?"

"Shit!" She muttered before agreeing to follow him to the large dining hall that had been decorated for her sake.

Gail made her walk in first, when she entered everyone shouted 'happy birthday' and party poppers burst into action. Confetti flew into the air littering the ground and covering her.

She was so shocked she jumped back a few paces with her hands on her heart. There were gifts galore, laughter and cake. It was surreal to her.

She really hadn't felt welcome here, but tonight it felt different somehow. The women were first with their gifts, she got some clothing, a few new books, but the one that nearly brought tears to her eyes was a beautiful head scarf.

They showed her how to wrap it around her neck and head to cover the side of her face that she hated to show, it meant she could actually wear a nice dress if she wanted to. The gesture was really quiet touching.

The party soon fell silent when a man approached her. All eyes watching and she knew why the minute he spoke.

"Could I have a moment alone?" The Alpha asked. She swallowed the lump in her throat. She was totally being kicked out; she knew it!

She stared up at him, a frightened expression on her face. She looked like a hunched over old hag next to him.

He had a chiseled jaw line, deep blue eyes, short black hair and a lean muscled figure. But what stood out to her was the huge scar that reached into his hairline through his eye and extended down his jaw.

She nodded not able to speak in that moment. He held out his hand for her and she took it, his fingers encircled her clawed talons and he pulled her away from the crowd to be outside... alone.

I'm so dead! Her mind was racing. Why did he want her alone? It had to do with this afternoon right?

The Alpha stared at the clawed hand in his own as he appeared to try to find the words to say.

"I have something for you. I should have given this to you a long time, by rights it's yours." He finally managed. Letting her hand go he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box.

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