⤷Tips on Building the Plot pt.2

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The second part of this tip is all about organizing the scenes in the outline that you made. Like outlining there is also the different method in making or arranging the scenes.

We are going to learn everything inside this page. 

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Third Step: Organizing the Scenes

Before creating the scenes it is important to answer these questions.

How will your scenes advance and build upon your premise?

How will a scene reveal your characters? How will it further the character development?

How do your scenes fit into your narrative arc?

There are different methods in writing the scenes. This is very crucial to avoid loopholes, and will also help you remember the important details in the most detailed way.

Different Method

The "Tent Pole" Method or the 3 act structural - what's its significance, how to use it. The three-act structure is just one way to think about a story, so writers shouldn't feel limited. The benefit of using the three-act structure is that it will help ensure that every scene starts and ends with a clear purpose and direction. Even if you don't start outlining your novel with it, if you find yourself struck by pacing issues, it's often useful to fit your story into the three-act structure to see why that might be.

The Chronological Method - start from the beginning and proceed linearly. Be sure to preserve your narrative arc as you go to give your story purpose and direction. It is based on the timeline of your story or the arrangement of the scene

The Snowflake Method - Method encourages you to start thinking about your scenes from a granular point of view

. We are not perfect and it's natural to make mistakes while making them. The important thing to remember is always taking a step back and remembering the reason why you made that story or why you are writing.

These are the problems you will encounter while writing your story or outline

Inconsistency - It is normal for a writer to experience this kind of problem. One of the best ways to avoid this is to use the write outlining method that is easier for you. And if you are already in this situation just go back to the first step and answer the questions given. If the scene is irrelevant you have to consider removing it.

Writer's Block - This is one of the biggest problems that we are all facing. One of the best ways to combat this is to rest and relax your mind. If you can't gather up words or even remember the scene it is important to rest your mind and wait for it to function. Writing a novel is not a race, take your time to avoid mistakes. 

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Reedsy Blog. (2018, June 5 ). How to Outline a Novel: an Author's Guide (with Template).Retrieved March 10 2022 from

Reedsy Blog (2018, June 15). The Three-Act Structure: 3 Steps to a Powerful Story Structure. Retrieved March 17 2022 from

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