➽ what is an action genre?

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To most, action stories are just that – ACTION stories. You might not even think the genre title needs a definition. Yet, for many story fans, the term is sometimes misused and very often misunderstood.

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Action fiction is a form of genre fiction whose subject matter is characterized by an emphasis on exciting action sequences

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Action fiction is a form of genre fiction whose subject matter is characterized by an emphasis on exciting action sequences. This does not always mean they exclude character development or story-telling.

In the Action Genre, physical action takes storytelling precedence that thrust the protagonist into a series of challenges, including multiple fight scenes, daring physical feats, tense chases, and violence such as shoot-outs. The stories are fast-paced. They tend to feature a resourceful protagonist fighting an antagonist (at incredible odds) in life-threatening situations, all designed for pure audience escapism with the action sequences at the core of the story.

Action stories are often very heavy on the plot with danger pulling the story forward, leaving readers on the edge of their seat desperate to know what happens next. Elements of risk and surprise are key factors in action stories.

The events that trigger the action or danger are typically outside the protagonist's day-to-day life. Often, at the end of the story, the hero or heroine is never the same.

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Web Resources:

Suit up: A Guide to the Action WorldWhere stories live. Discover now