He was a genius. Always saying the right thing at the right time. He always put me at ease. My worries and fears seemed to go away when I was with him. He was so caring, with the most beautiful spirit I ever knew. It was inevitable that fell for him. And he for me.

One thing led to another and in 3002, I gave birth to my first daughter, Kiara. Meaning light. Her eyes were a dazzling hazel. Aaron couldn't stop looking into them as they were the same same as his.

Our scandalous relationship was an open secret within the castle. No one spoke out loud or negatively thought about it. I had ears everywhere. I had eyes everywhere. I wasn't particularly kind to gossipers spreading thier lies about my life and new family. 

Being the Aries I was, this never bothered me, but with Aaron, it kept him up at night. As much as I wanted to marry him, he told me he wasn't ready. It led to an overnight argument that he untimely won. I never brought the topic up again. I was afraid if I forced him into marriage, he would run away. So we decided to be Queen and advisor during the day and lovers during the night.

Even though we had a rocky bump in our relationship, I was grateful that Aaron loved me enough to stay and look after Kiara. And that gave me so much hope for our future. With Aaron and Kiara, I ceased my drinking.

One winter's night, I was restless. It must have been the Galaxy's divine intervention that I  walked to the village and into the orphanage. One baby girl stood out to me. She was a year old, and somehow she slowly walked to me and latched onto my leg. I immediately fell in love with her and adopted her on the spot. I named her Natalia. Meaning born again.

When I brought her home, Aaron was rejoicing at the fact that Kiara was going to have a sister. But Kiara was completely the opposite. I knew it would take some time and slowly but surely, she opened up to her.

A few weeks later, there was a knock on our castle door. When the guards opened it, they told me there was nothing there except a basket, with a baby girl wrapped in parchment paper. Only a month old. My heart broke for her and I brought the child in on that cold night. Knowing her mother was the one who left her on my castle steps, I took action right away. I signed a few papers and the infant became my daughter just like that. I named her Mary Lynn. Meaning beloved ocean. 

A few years after Lynn's adoption, Aaron gifted my womb with another baby. The girls were ecstatic. They couldn't wait to meet their new little sister. After a painful twenty eight hour labor, she was born. The girls and I took a vote and we decided that the new baby's name would be Reilly. Meaning courageous.

Those four girls were such a blessing to me. My smile became brighter with them around. Natalia, my brave lioness, Kiara my sassy troublemaker, Lynn my adrenaline seeker, Reilly, my  little butterfly. And I knew that wherever Jennifer was, she was one proud Grandmother. 

On the eve of Riley's fifth birthday, Aaron left the celebration early. His mind was troubled. It was hiding something. He never hid his thoughts from me. Once the party was over, I had gone to question his sudden exit, and my answer was given to me in the form of another woman. With her lips on Aaron's, in my bed. It took so much strength in me not to throw them off the balcony but instead, exile them and erase any signs that they were citizens of Zodious.

With my mother and Miranda gone, and my daughters too young to understand, I had no one to help me cope with my grief of losing what I thought was the love of my life. So, I turned to my deadliest but most comforting vice. 

Natalia was nine when she had to care for her sisters when I couldn't. Almost every day, she would wake them up, lock up the wine cellar and hide the key, make sure Lynn and Reilly were paying attention during thier lessons, stop Kiara from mouthing off to the servants, and beg me to be sober enough to keep my dinner down. As as hard as she tried to keep the bottles out of my reach, I always had a hidden stash.  

Kiara and Lynn were  eleven when they had to carry me out of the throne room after I passed out. Of course I was mortified that my young daughters bore witness and fell victim to my drunkenness. But I couldn't stop. Even when my seven year old Reilly had to drag me away from a balcony so I wouldn't fall over.  

I knew with my declining health from my dependence, I couldn't rule the planet of Zodious as I used to. So once my Natalia fell in love with a village girl named Allie, that gave me an idea. 

I could pass down the crown to my daughter and my soon-to-be daughter-in-law. I knew they would be a perfect match. She and Allie already had the qualities of good rulers. Strength, loyalty, wisdom, kindness and leadership. I knew they would do the planet well.

Kiara would say different. I told them all the news, but I had never seen Kiara more angry. She almost tore my Natalia apart if it wasn't for Lynn holding her back. She has calmed down over the past few days, but her nasty comments and rebellious actions have been a pain in my side. Sometimes I don't know what to do with her. Her Scorpio darkness has been coming out in the worst way I had feared. Her mind is impossible to read. I can only pray to the Galaxy that after the wedding, I can be alone with her and piece together her thoughts and words.

But tonight is Natalia and Allie's engagement party. I had be focused. Ready to tell the people who their new Queens will be. Now was not the time to worry about what Kiara would do. She wouldn't dare make a scene with the nobility of every planet in attendance. I drank the last of my champagne, adjusted the crown on my head and walked out the door.

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