The cliffhanger |chapter 25 - Cassie

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"We'll go get some food with JJ, anyone joining?" John B asks as they're about to leave.

"I'm good." I reply. "Me too." says Sarah. "We better get the table ready before you guys come back and make this kitchen a mess." laughs Kie. "Alrighty," John B replies and they head out. "I'll get the plates, Sarah you take out the sodas and the glasses, and you Pope, get the stolen barbecue on." Kie commands. "Someones getting bossy, huh?" me and Sarah start teasing. "Come on you guys." Kie ignores the tease and goes to the kitchen. Me and Sarah start chuckling as soon as Kie gets to the kitchen. "I guess I'll clean the mess we made in the office earlier." I say as I get up from the couch. "That would be amazing Cass." Sarah shoots me a wink and goes to the kitchen. 

I head to John B's dad's office. The room is really old and its filled with paper all over the walls. I wonder what all of this was for. As this room wasn't already messy with all the paperwork left behind by John B's dad, we also made it messy today, after trying to open the little box Pope found. I pick up the mess and my mind keeps wandering off to Rafe. What is he doing and why did he say it was so important. I mean he didn't actually say it was that urgent, but I could tell it from his reaction. No doubt he's actually doing some business. I trust him, and always will. But nevertheless I want to meet-up with him later. I really hope his important business won't take the whole day. 

So I decide to call him. "Hey Rafe, do you want to come over in an hour and maybe we can go somewhere?"

"I wish I could, but I'm still working and I'll get home by 9pm or something."

"Didn't know you were such a workaholic. Well maybe after 9?"

"I'm really tired love, I'll just head home. I promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow."

"Parents home yet?" 

"Yeah, they came back today."

"Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow."

"Promise to make it up to you, I'm just really tired, haven't eaten anything for hours."

"It's okay Rafe, get some rest. And eat something please."

"Will do." he replies and hangs up the phone. I'm kinda sad that I won't see him today, but maybe I can bring him dinner later.

After setting the table in the backyard, the girls set up the table;Pope was finished heating the barbecue. The air was nice and fresh and music was slowly playing in the background. "We're back you guys." John B shouts from the back. "Finally!" Kiera replies. "We're starving." I say back. While guys do the barbecue, me and Sarah are chopping the vegetables to make a salad. We bring in two huge bowls of salads and the boys serve the rest of the food they barbecued. "Mercy," I smile as JJ puts the chicken on my plate. We sit and chat, while eating the delicious foods we made. "Good job you guys, didn't know you cooked so well." Sarah teases them. "Well shouldn't have underestimated us." John B shoots her a wink. " Sarah chuckles and we all look at each other while trying not to laugh at the romance of these two. "Alright, so tonight there's this really cool movie happening," Pope says as he wipes his mouth. "Where?" Kie asks him. "It's like a little park and people gather to-" JJ cuts him off and goes "Basically an outside cinema." "Exactly." Pope gives an annoyed look to JJ. He smirkingly winks at him. "It sounds fun" Sarah says. "Yeah we are definitely going, right?" John B says. Everyone shouts "Yes!" besides me, so they all turn their eyes to me. "I think I'll have to join you guys later, if that's okay?" I say nervously. "You're going out with Rafe again?" Kiera rolls her eyes. "No, I'm just gonna bring him some food. Theres still some left right?" I ask. "Yup." John B replies. "He's been working the whole day and won't be home until 9, so I thought I'd bring him food." "Rafe? Working?" Sarah is shocked. "Are you sure he's 'working'?" JJ quotes with his fingers. "Yeah, why are you surprised?" I wonder. I don't think he'd lie. "Rafe is not a workaholic that's what I know for sure." Kiera says. "Maybe something urgent? I don't know, but I'm sure he's not lying. He wouldn't." "Yeah sure." Pope says. 

. . .

I look at my phone. It's 9:45 pm, which means Rafe has come home a while ago. I walk over their gates, hoping I avoid seeing anyone. I text Wheezie that I'm here so she takes the food. I told her I didn't wanna come over cause it was too late and Rafe wanted to rest. I'd just bring in the food and leave. I quietly knock on the door and Wheezie opens up with a smile on her face. I give her a hug and she says she's missed me. "How's Rafe doing? He's probs really tired." "Oh he isn't home Cass." "Wait what do you mean, he said he'd be home by 9pm." "My dad was here, he took some stuff and left. Rose is here though." "Hmm thats weird. I wonder where he is." "Dad said he had some business to do with Rafe. Told me to lock the door." Thats weird. Why would Rafe make this up. I pass her the food and hug her again. "Thanks Wheez, I'll see you around." "Please come over anytime." "Definitely, love you." I say and leave. I'm confused. 

Where the hell is Rafe?

I take my bike and track Rafe through snapchat. I see a very confusing location. I don't know this place. Is it a forest? Wait. Yes. He's in a forest. We once camped in there with Pogues. What the actual fuck is going on?

. . .

I park my bike and get off. This place looks creepier than I remember. The lights are dim, its almost dark. I wouldn't wanna die in here. I hear the sound of cockroaches and its sort of calms me down. At least I'm not the only live soul in here. I take a step while trying not to shit my pants. I'm scared. Really, really terrified. Okay, maybe I'm being dramatic but I'm just not used to being alone in the forest at night. I try to calm myself down and start walking in a faster pace. Without taking my eyes off the phone, I walk towards the location, while still being cautious of my surroundings. I wonder if there are any wild animals out here. 

"Almost there." I say to myself, trying to encourage myself. Suddenly, I hear loud shouts from the right side. My heart goes up to my throat and I feel like chocking. What the fuck was that? I now think that coming here was a hell of a bad idea. 

. . .

The muttering shouts keep getting louder as I get closer. The sound is coming from behind this tree. Unfortunately due to the branches of this huge tree, I'm unable to see what's going on. I'm horrified and I have no idea what I should do now. Do I run away and pretend I didn't hear any of that, or do I go in there and see what's going on. The most petrifying thought comes up to my mind and my heart almost pops out from my chest. 

What if Rafe is hurting someone? 

Even the idea of it makes me want to throw up. Knowing what I should do, I quietly move the bushes from my way and try to make out whatever is going on in there. 

 The next thing I see scares the complete shit out of me. Rafe. Ward. A gun. But wait, there's more. There is someone in front of Rafe. I can't figure out who it is because Rafe is crouched right in front. I know I shouldn't be here, but there's no way I'm going back with all of this information. Who is this person and what on earth are they doing here. Thousands of thoughts fill up my mind and I know that I should probably run away, but I can't. Not until I know what's going on. 

Its quiet and I'm holding my mouth with my hands so I don't make any sound. I watch Rafe as he looks at Ward. Ward loads the gun and with a single click shoots the person in front of him. 

Rafe moves to the side, and I freeze on my place when I see who it is. My body loses its heat and the loud sound of the gun keeps replaying in my ears. My body is shaking in disbelief and I can't believe what I'm witnessing.

How did I let this happen.

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