Perhaps we're more than friends| chapter 10- Cassie

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We finally arrive to the boat station. Yes, it is a Kooks place. I'm not a tiniest bit surprised though. The weather today is amazing. It's sunny and windy at the same time. A perfect weather for a boat trip. Rafe parks his car and we go towards the boat. And by the way, I'm wearing a bikini with blue, green and white flowers on it, then a white shirt and shorts on top of that. A perfect outfit for our trip. 

We get to the boat and Rafe helps me get inside

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We get to the boat and Rafe helps me get inside. He jumps in first and then holds my hand so I could jump over. Let me start off with saying that the Cameron boat is huge. It looks really expensive and luxury. It even has a bedroom and a kitchen downstairs. Rafe takes me on a little tour around the boat, but then a sailor calls him so he goes somewhere. I second later the boat starts and we're moving away from the shore. Then I realise that if Rafe is the one navigating the boat, it means that it's just the two of us here. Just me and Rafe, soon to be in the middle of the sea. As I continue the tour around the boat, I decide to go to the very top and watch the sea. Wow, it's so beautiful. I could watch the sea all day long and not get bored. I'm looking at the sea, with my back to the boat. In that moment I didn't care about anything else in the world. I just wanted to be here forever. It feels so peaceful. I don't think that the sea is the only reason for that feeling. In fact, I think it's more about Rafe. When he's near, I feel like no one can hurt me. I feel safe around him, I don't even know why. What if I'm actually falling for him. Is this seriously happening..? I look around to realise that we're now in the middle of the sea, far away from everyone. Suddenly I feel someone grabbing my waist from behind and whispering to my ear;

"What are you doing up here.." 

I jump from scare and turn around to see that it's Rafe. The distance between us is minimalistic to the point where I can feel his warm breath on my forehead. He touches my face with his fingers, then puts the hair strands behind my ear. We look at each other and then I break the silence and look away.

"You scared the shit out of me Rafe." He doesn't seem to care though. Instead, I think he liked seeing me scared.

"Want a drink?" he smirks.

"Uh sure, let's go get some." I look away and go towards the kitchen. He looks at me and then follows right ahead. We enter the kitchen;

"Let's make a cocktail, you in?" he smirks.

"Sure I'd love to help." I smile.

He gets some fruits from the mini fridge and asks me to rinse them. As I wash the fruits, he gets some lime juice and two glasses. As he's cutting an orange, I decide to help him by cutting the lemons. 

"Shit!" I scream in pain. Dang it, I cut my finger.

"Shit Cassie, you okay, you're bleeding.." He gets closer and takes my hand. He looks so worried. 

"Let's disinfect it to stop the bleeding okay?" He raises his head and looks at me. 

"I'm fine, it's fine, it's nothing, really." I move my hand and look away. He then gets some alcohol  and I put my finger over the sink. 

"Okay one, two, three." He then pours some of it on my finger.

"Ow ow ow...shiit..." it burns so bad.

"It's okay, its okay, I gochu alright?" he says as he blows on my finger to reduce the pain of burning. He looks so adorable. How can someone be so cute and kill people. It doesn't make any sense...

"Thanks Rafe," I say as the bleeding stops.

"Now you sit right there," pointing the chair with finger "and I'll do the rest, alright?" he chuckles. I smile and nod. He makes the cocktail and goes;

"Now the cherry on top.." he gets his expensive vodka and adds it to the cocktail.

"Heh, should've known this was coming.." I chuckle. He takes the drinks as we head outside. We both take a sip;

"Wow Rafe, its actually really good.." I say in an excited voice. I'm pretty shocked. I never knew that Mr.Cameron could make such tasty cocktails.

"Thank you madam. I'm glad you like it." he smirks as he drinks his cocktail. 

I gets really hot, so I decide to take off my shirt, as well as the shorts. Rafe takes his shirt off too. We lay down on the sunbed and I tan a little. I get a get a text from Kie asking me why I didn't come over John B's. I'm so done with constantly lying to them, but I can't tell them the truth. They'll kill me. So I text her back saying that my dad got sick and I'm taking care of him. I hope they don't get suspicious of me.I put my phone down as I turn to the other side. I see Rafe staring at me and as soon as he sees me looking, he looks away. Got you Cameron. 

Suddenly I notice him get up, to go look at something in the sea. 

"Cassie, come look at this!" he says in an excited voice. 

"What is it Rafe?" I say as I get up and go towards him. He turns his head towards me and smiles;

"Sorry Jones." he says as he pushes me into the sea. I splash into the water.

"Damn it Cameron." I chuckle as I wipe the water off my face. He takes his sunglasses off and jumps after me. 

"I was actually tanning, if you couldn't tell." I say sarcastically. I'm actually glad he's pushed me. It feels really refreshing. 

"Try not to be a dinner for sharks." he smirks, trying to scare me. I damn well know that there aren't any sharks in here. If he's playing games with me, then I guess I can play too. I scream and act as if I got bitten by something so Rafe gets scared. 

"What happened?" he asked in a rushed voice as he quickly swum closer to me. 

"A joke happened." I say as I smirk. "What's up? Or did you got scared that I would get hurt?" I smile sarcastically.

"You're gonna wish you didn't say that." he says as he grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him. This is happening isn't it? I put my hands around his shoulders as we look at one another. Our lips only a centimetre away from each other. And then, in that very exact moment...

 he kissed me. 

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