The Outer Banks can't go one day without incidents|chapter 8- Cassie

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It's been a few hours and dad is still not home. If only I knew, I'd spend more time with Rafe. I'm so exhausted. I can literally feel my eyelids closing, and begging for some rest. After all its been a long day. A long yet a good one. I'd never think that Rafe's company would be so nice. While I was out there sobbing like a baby, he was there for me. Yeah he was... I think to myself. Shit Cassie calm down and stop being so overdramatic. He's not who you think it is. Just because he was nice to you a few times, doesn't mean he cares about you. Why did he even hangout with me when there a plenty of Kooks that he could make out with. I should stay away from him, but I can't. The way he looks at me...oh boy...and all of todays memories play back in my head. Without even realising it, I fall asleep.

It's currently 9AM and the sun just woke me up. I yawn, rub my eyes and grab my phone from the nightstand. The first person that comes to my mind is Rafe. I don't know why it just happened. I decide to text him. 

"Morning country club, hangout today?"

I put my phone down and get out of my bed. While brushing my teeth I hear a ding on my phone and with a toothbrush on my mouth, I rush to look at the message. 

"Busy today, sorry."

I get a little upset but then realise that he's got his own life and just because we hung out once, doesn't mean we will do it everyday. It's not like we're dating. I go downstairs and still don't see my dad. He probably left earlier for work. I make a quick sandwich and head out. I go over John B's to spend the day with Pogues. After all I am one of them. 

"Missed me?" I say in an exciting voice. They all get excited and give me a hug. They all ask him where I was yesterday and I just lied and said I was home, doing chores. They seemed to believe me. I spend my whole day with them and it was so much fun. We took a boat and had a tour around the Outer Banks. On the boat, JJ and Pope started play fighting and then Pope pushes JJ into the water. JJ laughs and then asks Pope to help him get back into the boat. As Pope gives him his hand, JJ pulls him into the water.  

"No no no no.." he falls into the water. "Ugh you piece of shit." Pope chuckles and lightly hits him on the shoulder. 

"Sweet revenge bitch." JJ smirks.

We all laugh as we watch them

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We all laugh as we watch them. I'm really enjoying my company. These people are like family to me and these past two month has been incredible, thanks to them. 

As the evening comes, we get back to John B's house and he makes a fire camp. We all sit around it and just chat about anything. Sarah brings some sticks and marshmallows and we toast them while playing truth or dare. We're all having a great time when suddenly my phone dings. I swipe left to see a message from Rafe.

"Mind if I come over?" a splash of excitement flows onto me as soon as I read the message.

"I'll be home in 5 minutes, don't be late." I text him back.

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