Chapter 32

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"I can fight. You know it. I'm a hero too!" Carson stamped his foot adamantly. His Torchic chirped in agreement.

Solomon Forrest didn't relent. "That may be true, but you're not ready for this yet. It's best if you stay here where it's safe. I'll find you after the battle."

The boy looked around, they were in one of the Foretree Kingdom's "secret bases," it was a small area dug out from underneath the roots of a tall tree, where the jungle of the Kingdom gave way to the delta of the Green River ran south and emptied into the sea.

Solomon began to climb the roots that acted as a ladder when Carson stopped him once more. "You're going to win, right?" he asked. "You're a hero, after all. In the stories, the Heroes always win..." his voice trailed off. Carson's young face flickered anxiously in the torchlight.

Solomon didn't know how to answer him. Yes they do, was what he wanted to say, but in his heart he didn't know. What he said to the boy was, "I'll be back for you afterwards."

Sceptile greeted him at the base of the tree, and they walked to the dam that was constructed in the span of days, crossing the length of the river. Sootopolis' strength was its navy. The Green River was going to be the Emperess' main point of entry in her attempted conquest.

The rain grew colder with each passing day. Solomon and Sceptile stood atop the wooden dam at peered out towards the south. The ships had already started to gather starting the last night. They were outnumbered at least seven to one, according to his scouts. He turned Chief Randall Sand of the Mirage Desert, accompanied by his Claydol.

"How are your men faring?" the newly crowned King of Foretree asked.

"They're ready to fight," said the Chief. His Claydol's eyes moved in many directions at once, surveying everything. "They'll hold the west bank admirably."

Solomon nodded. "Chief Specter is ready to defend our eastern borders against Lilycove should the Empress try to launch a land assault-"

"Claaaaaydol." Chief Sand's Spirit Pokemon let out a monotonous cry. The man put his hand on the Pokemon, then drew it back in shock. He pointed to the bay, where the river plunged into the ocean.

"He's here."

Solomon strained his eyes to see. The rain clouded his long distance vision, but he saw all the same. A serpentine creature was weaving in and out of the Sootopolis ships, and riding on top of it, a man with a raised sword.

Solomon called all his generals and captains around him, as well as those loyal to Chief Sand. "Today, we stand," he began. Foot soldiers began to gather around, as well, eager to hear their King's speech. "Look up. Do you see that? It's rain. A rain that hasn't stopped in weeks. This is no ordinary rain. It's a rain of conquest. A rain of aggression. A rain of tyranny. Two Kingdoms have already drowned in the rain." That made the soldiers nervous, almost apprehensive. They were afraid.

Solomon continued as he pointed a sword in the direction of the enemy ships in the bay. "Yes, they're powerful. Yes, they've done whatever they want so far. It's true, the Empress hasn't been stopped yet. Perhaps she won't be. But I say stand. Stand not because I say so." He unfastened the deep green cloak that draped over his shoulders and let it fall down the wooden dam and into the river. "I stand here, not because you proclaim me your King. Today, I am one of you.

"I've heard rumors that they've forced every other tribe and Kingdom to fight for them. Don't be discouraged by their numbers. The Empress has won their loyalty through treachery.

"I stand here today, in this rain, to tell you about who this Empress is. She has contracted puppets to start wars for her. She even terrorizes her own people. The Empress would tell you and your families your worth. She would delegate to you what you would earn. If Sootopolis wins this day, she will terrorize your families too."

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