Chapter 24

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            The sounds of the fighting at the tower were dying down. When the sand settled, Solomon locked eyes with Starfall. The fool had been knocked off of his Salamence, and his eyes seethed with rage. His blue dragon shook off the sand, flapped its red wings once and roared.

            “Good shot, Sceptile,” he told his Spirit Pokémon. The large green lizard nodded once. It matched Starfall’s Salamence gaze for gaze, unflinching, possibly smiling.

            Luckily, as soon as Starfall had taken flight at the beginning of the battle, Solomon had kept an eye on him. He tracked his enemy. He had gotten there just in time for Sceptile to launch a Solarbeam at the Dragon before it devoured the boy.

            Solomon himself stood in front of the boy, sword ready. He felt strong in his new armor. His arms as well as Sceptile’s glinted bright in the hot desert sun. The silver plated armor that Registeel had given him and his Spirit Pokémon fit perfectly. He could feel a power emanating from the rainbow jewel on his breastplate, and there was no doubt Sceptile felt the same of the shining emerald colored jewel in its own.

            He turned his head and looked down at the boy he had set the trap to secure. Carson Brightflame was scared, barely younger than his own sister, Caitlyn. The Torchic in his hands looked up at Solomon wide-eyed and in awe.

            “You’re safe now,” he said. He gestured to two of his men. “Take him to the tower, see that he is treated well and made comfortable.”

            Carson nodded his head without a word. In the bright sun, it almost seemed to Solomon that the boy and his Pokémon gave off a slight, orange glow. Solomon’s men escorted him away swiftly from the scene.

            Solomon turned back to Starfall. He was surrounded by Forrest and Sand men. Swords, spears, and arrows were pointed at him and his terrible Spirit Pokémon. The last of Starfall’s loyal armies were being defeated at this very moment, and Solomon knew that he knew.

            “Miguel Starfall,” he called to him. “Your short reign of the Mt. Chimney Kingdom has come to an end.”

            Starfall spat on the sand as Solomon approached him. “This is only a setback. I will be restored to what was promised to me.”

            So he is working for somebody else. Solomon’s suspicions were confirmed. “Look around you. You walked blindly into my trap. You’ve been defeated, and now, we’ll give the Brightflames their Kingdom back.”

            Starfall just smiled. Solomon stopped walking towards him.

            “Take him away, we’ll question him later.”

            When one of Solomon’s men moved to put a hand on Starfall, the traitor King ducked and stabbed him with a knife. No sooner had the man crumpled to the sand then Salamence had let roar another river of flame, sending the men who had surrounded them scattering.

            Sceptile braced itself, and Solomon raised his sword in a defensive stance.

            “You’ve defeated my army, yes. But the storm is still coming, and I will not be your captive in the meantime.” Starfall slapped Salamence on the neck and the Pokémon lunged at Solomon.

            Sceptile leapt to meet the dragon in midair. The green lizard slashed at Salamence with the blade that protruded from Sceptile’s armored forearm. Both Pokémon were knocked sideways. The blue dragon recoiled and shot a burst of blue flame at Sceptile, but Solomon’s Pokémon inhaled and glowed with the light of the sun, and sent out a green burst of energy to meet the fire in midair.

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