Chapter 7

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            “You’re sure that you’re with child?” her mother asked to the woman sitting in front of them.  The three of them were alone, in the Spark’s royal solar: Princess Sarah Spark, her mother the Lady Alison, and the farmer’s widow.

            Marcus had found the poor woman last night, when he left the palace in secret to accomplish his task. Thankfully, the King of Mauville knew the names, or at least remembered the lives of, the men who had fought and died defending Mauville when the Brightflames invaded little over a month ago, else he never would have found the woman.

            “I’m sure, my lady,” spoke the widow. She had the drawl of the common folk. Sarah knew such accents got on her mother’s nerves, but not hers. The Princess of Mauville felt ashamed and guilty at what they were doing. “I missed the last moon two weeks ago, and I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather in the mornings. The time fits just right with when my husband and I last… when he was still…” the widow’s voice trailed off as she broke down in tears.

            “You’ll do,” said Sarah’s mother. As she placed a hand on the crying widow’s fingers. Sarah saw the Queen of Mauville grimace as she touched someone of such low birth. “It is a great honor to die in the service of your king. Marcus and I and the whole kingdom of Mauville thank him for his noble sacrifice. Now we must ask for a small one from you. Think of it as a blessing in disguise.”

            The woman looked up and glanced from Sarah’s mother’s face to her own. Sarah looked away and fiddled with the end of her braid as the guilt welled up inside of her. How can we be doing this thing?

            Her mother went on. “My daughter married King Chris Marsh before he left on his noble yet ill-fated quest. The timing was quick and secret to secure the alliance between our Kingdoms in this uncertain time,” Alison Spark lied. Sarah had to blink back tears when her mother mentioned Chris. “Yet the marriage was never consummated. This alliance has never been of more importance than it is right now.”

            Sarah noticed a sudden realization cross the farmer’s widow’s eyes. “You want my baby?”

            Sarah’s mother sniffled what she knew was a fake sniffle. “Mauville needs your baby. Our own Kingdom and Slateport are in dire situations at the moment. We have heard from Lavaridge that we could be attacked again at any moment, and Luna Love, the Queen of Slateport, is gone missing or worse.” She leaned closer to the woman. “Your baby ensures Slateport and Mauville stand together to defend justice against wicked conquerors, who would enslave us all.”

            The common folk knew only what they were told. Hardly any of them were educated, and those that were found themselves serving their Chiefs and Kings. This farmer’s wife was no different, Sarah noticed. Sarah saw the loyalty to her husband, and the blind faith in the Sparks as Kings and protectors of Mauville, but there was still a mother’s apprehension of giving up her child. Gods forgive me for what I must do for my people, she thought.

            “I would raise him as my own, as I would raise Chris’s trueborn child,” she spoke up. The widow looked again to her. “I promise you, my lady, the child will want for nothing. He will never have to work the fields and struggle with hunger through the winter. He will be a Prince, and then a King.” Sarah got up from her seat, and fell to her knees with her head in the widow’s lap. It’s a good match, she thought as she glanced at her belly. The timing of this pregnancy couldn’t be better. “Please,” Sarah’s voice had real tears and real sadness in it; tears of Chris, and of loss. “I shall keep you on as my lead hand maiden, you will see the child as often as you like. I’m begging you. Mauville is begging you.”

Reign of Rain [Pokemon Watty Awards 2015]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora