Chapter 20

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            “Breathe, dear, just breath,” coached the nurse. Lisa was giving birth. It had been three hours since her water had broken, and Sarah was dumbstruck at the events that had followed.

            “AAAAAAAAH!” Lisa screamed in pain. Sarah had thought there were worse things in this world, but then again, she had never witnessed a mother giving birth.

            “In, out, in, out,” tutted the nurse, whose head was thankfully sparing Sarah the view. “Don’t waste your energy screaming.”

            “But it huuurrrts! AAAAAH!”

            Someone is bound to hear that shrieking, and someone else is bound to know it’s not me. In the months since Susan Forrest and her sister had departed Mauville to return to Mt. Pyre Sarah had had increasing paranoia about someone figuring out it wasn’t actually her who was pregnant. The guilt of raising another woman’s child had subsided a long time ago, giving way only to the fear of being discovered. No one must ever find out.

            Lisa’s shrieks turned to hurried breathing. Sarah tried to avoid the woman’s gaze and stare out the window. Occasionally, however, she would glance back. Lisa’s hair was sweaty and glued to her head and shoulders. Her hands were gripping the bed sheets so tightly the Princess of Mauville thought she would rip them.

            Sarah silently nodded and forced a smile at Lisa. For a split second, Sarah thought that the woman in labor was returning it. This woman has made a great sacrifice for the kingdoms of Mauville and Slateport, she knew.

            Lisa’s breathing came quicker and quicker. Sarah could almost feel the woman’s pain in her breath; shrieks were stifled by forced breathing.

            “Very good, very good, now push. Oh!” The nurse’s voice went up an octave. “I see the head! Keep going, dear, you’re doing so good, now.”

            With a last ear-shattering scream that pierced Sarah to the bone, it ended. A woman’s scream gave way to the high-pitched yelps and squeaks of a baby. Lisa fell backwards into her pillows, panting heavily. Sarah looked back and saw the nurse wiping at something in her arms. Bits of blood soaked the bed sheets that the nurse had pulled back up.

            As the baby cried its first cries in this world, the nurse stood up and wrapped it in a bundle of linens. “Shh,” she said. “It’s alright now.” The nurse took careful steps walking the baby over to Sarah’s bed. Manectric padded beside the nurse, ready to assist in any way possible. The baby was still crying, its little arms flailing in the air. She bent over and handed the baby to Sarah. “It’s a boy, Princess,” she said. “Your son.”

            Sarah took the babe in her arms, and the child stopped its crying. Instead, it reached up and grabbed the long dark braid in her hair. Did he smile? Sarah looked up to meet Lisa’s eyes across the room and smile. The princess’s heart was filled with joy as she held the newborn close to her chest… but she lost a moment of her enthusiasm when she saw a tear stream down Lisa’s cheek.

            Sarah looked back down quickly, averting Lisa’s gaze. I’ve come too far to feel guilty now.

            “Does he have a name, my lady?” asked the nurse.

            Sarah looked at Manectric. It had a sad look on its face, looking back from Lisa to Sarah and back. “Yes,” Sarah said quietly. “His name is Chris. Like his father.”

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