Chapter 18

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"It was our great honor to receive you, Susan Forrest," the lady who sat by the empty throne said. She was tall, thin, and had sandy blonde hair. Caitlyn hated how she pursed her lips and shot disgusted looks at her. "But I'm afraid my King and husband is away in Slateport at the moment preparing to defend our kingdoms. If you would but wait here for him I'm sure a contract for alliance could be agreed to."

She's one of the proper ladies, Caitlyn thought as she still sat atop her Absol even in the midst of the wooden hall in Mauville. She noticed her sister and her Grovyle standing gracefully below a small number of steps where the prissy woman sat. Caitlyn knew that wasn't what her older sister wanted to hear.

"Thank you for receiving me and my sister, Lady Spark," Susan said with a bow and a small curtsy. She was still nimble and elegant even though her belly seemed to grow rounder by the day. "However it is of most importance that discussions begin immediately. Even while King Marcus prepares to defend against Sootopolis my brother believes that Miguel Starfall, the new ruler of the Mt. Chimney Kingdom, plans to invade Fortree, and then Mauville again."

"Rumors, rumors, and more rumors," said the Queen of Mauville. "You speak as if your brother rules Fortree. Tell me, it grieves me to find out, when did your father pass and his rule with him?"

"He hasn't, yet," answered Susan. "But-"

"Then why should I begin negotiations without my Lord Husband here? Negotiations which could be seen as an act of aggression by some of our neighbors," she gestured to the side of the hall, where a man sat beside an Altaria. "Edgar here is an envoy of King Starfall, who has assured us peace. It is with great joy we learned that it was Starfall who overthrew the maniacal Brightflame King, who was already planning a counter invasion after we threw the his first attack back. Thanks to Miguel Starfall, our northern borders have been secured."

Caitlyn glanced at Edgar and the Altaria. She saw how he looked at Susan, and it made her angry. Most men stole a glance at her sister. Why shouldn't they? She was beautiful. That was no look of admiration; it was a look of greed, and hate.

"I don't trust him," Caitlyn whispered in her Absol's ear. Her Spirit Pokemon gave a soft growl of agreement.

"How long has the honorable envoy from Mt. Chimney been here, if I may ask?" Susan politely inquired.

"Four days," answered the Queen of Mauville.

"And how long as King Marcus been away?"

"Three and a half months."

"Then I don't see why we shouldn't have the same privilege of negotiation as Mt. Chimney-"

"I will hear no more!" announced the Queen of proper ladies. "Edgar here came bearing gifts from Mt. Chimney, and gold to repair our city's walls. You tree-folk come with nothing but words of plotting and treachery. Edgar has already filled in the history your brother has within Miguel's council. Solomon Forrest isn't even King, yet it seems his war-mongering tendencies are showing through even now." The Queen stood up, along with everyone in the court's attendance. "You may await my husband's return here, or you can go to Slateport yourself. It is more than you deserve." She climbed down the steps and shot a look filled with daggers at Caitlyn. "And you would be wise to tell this little girl to dress and posture herself more appropriately when gracing the presence of a Queen."

With that, the lady Alison Spark, Queen of Mauville, departed the hall. A couple servants approached Susan, Caitlyn, and the Fortree guards. "There is room in the barracks for the men," one of them said. "It is custom to house our highborn guests in the palace."

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