Goodbye Winston

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Y/n wouldn't let her eyes close that night, she was too... scared. She didn't like that word, it made her feel weak. Helpless, like she couldn't do anything.

But, the feeling of being in Thomas's arms, asleep together. That made her feel like she could do anything.

The feeling of his hot breath ticking the back of her neck, his strong arms around her waist, making her feel safe. She didn't want to move, nor could she.

"Y/n... are you awake?"

Talk of the devil.

"Yeah... I didn't fall asleep."

"Why?" Y/n didn't respond. Thomas smirked and rolled her on top of him so they were facing each other. She giggled slightly. "Now tell me?"

Y/n shook her head but smiled while doing so. Thomas smirked and reached his hand to her hip bone, then pinched it slightly, making her squeal.

"Tickling me is going to make things worse." She chuckled.

"Oh? I don't believe you, I may have to test that theory..." He then took both hands and proceeded to tickle her, making her giggle furiously.

"Okay okay! I yield! I yield..." She breathed, but then hesitated before saying "I'm scared."

Thomas furrowed his eyebrows, "That's all?" She nodded.

"Baby, it's okay to be scared. I'm scared, we're all terrified." He said softly.

"Yeah but... I've got something to loose." Y/n muttered, Thomas caught on immediately.

"Y/n... your not gonna loose me. If anything, I'm gonna loose you."

"Don't say that, that's not true."

"It might be, and that's what I'm scared of. We made a promise back in the Glade, and when we did I made another to myself... that not a day will go past when I don't try to protect you." He stated. Y/n nodded at his words,

"So far, you've for-filled that." She said, making Thomas smile. Y/n leant down and kissed him, his hands finding her waist again, but this time just squeezing softly, which Y/n loved. 

"You two are disgusting." Frypan stated, waking up. The couple pulled apart laughing,

"I think their cute." Teresa said, stretching and rubbing her eyes.

"I think we need to move." Newt said, trying to get everyone moving.

"Your just too protective to admit that you think so to." Minho teased.

"Shove off, Minho."

The Gladers walked through the city, or what was left of it. Everything was in pieces, flaking off from the heat or broken by Crank's. They all looked around in amazement,

"What the hell happened?" Frypan asked, his eyes darting everywhere.

"I don't know. But it looks like people haven't been here in a long time." Newt answered. They passed piles of rubble, smashed cars and broken glass on the sides of the path.

"I hope the whole world's not like this." Aris added. Thomas started to slow down,

"You alright?" Y/n asked. Then, his eyes widened and a panicked face was plastered on his appearance,

"Get down! Everybody hide!!" He yelled, everyone was confused for a moment, but then ducked under a slab of concrete that was elevated when they heard the sound of a helicopter whirring.

They're trying to find them.

They watched them fly overhead, feeling like they were criminals in a crime drama... to be honest, they kind of are.

Fear Is Your Enemy (The Maze Runner FanFic: Thomas x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now