You're Pregnant?

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-(Y/N)'s Pov-

You and Niall have been married for almost 2 years,
having a baby was never on the list, as you thought you were not mature enough.

And Niall was always busy with work, and you had yours as well, your routine was packed
There was never much time for picnics or just relax for the both of you,

Either You were busy when Niall wasn't or vice versa,
You rarely hung out with him,


You heard the door bell ring, you wondered who it could've been,
It wasn't Niall for sure, he has a spare key to the house

"Hello! Is Niall here?" A voice of a girl, who seemed young had spoken from the other side,

You had one of those doorbells which you could communicate with from different ends.

"No, he isn't, may I ask who this is?" You asked, looking through the monitor, the girl could be 16 or 17 she seemed young.

"I'm Emily, I'm a big fan of Niall!" The girl spoke, which shook you.

How did she get your address? What was she doing here?

"Okay, but Niall isn't here right now, and please could you not come to our house? It's out of our comfort, and please don't share our address," You said calmly, opening the door.

"I'm so sorry for disturbing, I promise I won't come again," She says then leaves,

From that day onward,
People kept on coming to your house,
In search of Niall, who was never home.


The doorbell rings again for the fifth time today,

You walked to the mic thing, "Sorry, Niall's not home," You say, as you were walking away you heard

"What do you mean?" You heard Niall's voice, your heart literally skipped a beat.

You opened the door for him, "Why'd you ring the doorbell?" You asked,

"I had forgotten the keys by accident, also what did you mean by I'm not home?" He asks, taking off his jacket.

You were gonna speak as the doorbell rang again, "Hello! Is Niall here? I'm a big fan!"

"I'm sorry dear, Niall isn't here, " You fibbed,

"How-? Wait, what? How did they- they know our address?" Niall looks at you with the most confused face ever.

"Yes... I don't know how but-,"

"How long has this been happening?" Niall interrupts you,

"Around a week has passed since it happened..." you sighed, sitting on the couch

"What!? How come you never told me anything about this?" Niall screams as he placed his stuff down.

"You are never home! That's why Niall!" You said out in anger

"You could've texted or called me! I need to know about these stuff alright?"

"I know... But this is something we should deal with... together. Not through some damn machine's!" You bawled out.

"But you know i don't have time for those!" Niall said, calming down.

"I know, but it's hard for me too... Dealing with hundreds of people randomly coming at our house looking for you, and carrying a baby with me-," You stopped quickly realising what you had just said.

"W-What?" Niall's eyes bawled

"I didn't mean to-"

"Y-your pregnant?" Niall calmly says, you nodded slowly... "H-How long has it been?" Niall asks, sitting beside you and holding your shoulders

"About a month... I know what your about to say, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you but i didn't have a choice, you were never home, and i didn't wanna be in the middle of your work..." You sighed as a tear left your eye

"(Y/N)... darling, I'm sorry... I'm sorry I couldn't be here with you... I'll try my best to stay closer, work has been quite awfully hectic these days... I'm so sorry," Niall cried out as he held your hand

"I'm sorry too... I didn't tell you anything about the baby..." You rest your head on his shoulder as you both stay there, "I missed a very important moment of my life... And it wasn't even your fault, it was mine for being distant to you... I'm sorry, Princess..."

"I love you Niall," You say staring into his ocean blue eyes, "I love you, Princess," Niall says, and kisses you on the lips
You haven't felt this type of comfort and feeling in ages, "I'm gonna be a dad," Niall smiles and a small giggle left his mouth, which soon became tears,

"Why are you crying, Niall?" You said, smiling and cupping his cheek, "I'm just so... happy... I can't believe it," Niall cries out again, this time you cried with him, these weren't tears of sadness, it was tears of happiness.


Hellooo! Sorry if this chapter is trash and short, kinda rushed at the end.
I don't know if I'll be able to write much, slow updates I guess...
Thanks for reading! 👹❤️🤌

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