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It's been a year since me and Niall started dating, it's been a rough experience but
We stay put and try to fix things even if we breakdown in the process.

I love Niall, and sometimes going out with him is risky as Paps would randomly show
Up while we are just having a walk or enjoying the nice weather.

Although most times he is at tour and I'm left home all alone,

Although these days when Niall's away.. there's always rumours and I choose to ignore them
As I know Niall would never cheat on me, or to anyone.

Sometimes I go off Twitter for about three weeks and not giving the rumours spreading
Around any attention, or to make me feel bad about myself.

Niall told me to not listen and I trust him with all my heart, but.. sometimes I can't resist looking through Twitter and reading the Rumours and websites mostly the pictures out there
Are photoshopped, I can't be sure as they're really good at editting these stuff,

I get insecure of all the beautiful and perfect girls Niall see's everyday including fans from all over the world, they are so loving but I do get jealous most of the time,

Niall has many friends including girls, he gets along with anyone that's one thing I also love about this man.

He's a person you meet once in a lifetime, the person that holds your heart like it's glass and if they break it there is no longer a way to fix the broken glass cause it's now shattered into pieces which can't be put together.

Even though I love and trust him, there are times I'm worried he'll leave me for someone way better with more talents and hobbies,

I overthink too much about it, that's what Niall says,


When he came back from tour he didn't talk to me nor greeted me in any sort of way, just, silence


"Niall, what's wrong?" I asked him, slowly moving my hands closer to his neck, I left a small peck on his biceps but again he gives me no response.

"Niall, if your gonna act like this forever then I don't find a reason why I should even be here."

I told him, as I stood up looking at his eyes which gazes only at the TV which was in front of him.

"Fine then, I'll go and stop disturbing your ass." I spat and walked over to our bedroom.

I locked the door and tears started to stream down my cheeks,
I layed back on the door, helplessly crying, I covered my mouth trying to not make a sound.

-Niall's POV-

Y/N walked away into our bedroom as I sit there watching the TV, not paying attention to anything showing on the screen in front of me,

As I felt a throbbing pain in my heart after i heard soft sobs coming from the room,

I wanted to cry, I had a reason of doing this to Y/N although it wasn't intended by me,

I slowly walked over to our bedroom door, I stood there holding in my tears which I badly wanted to let go.

The sobbing stops and I hear footsteps then the sound of the bathroom door opening, I instantly tried opening the door realising what (Y/N) was about to do,

I endlessly turned the knob trying to opened the door which was locked

" (Y/N)!! Please open the door! Im sorry please! P-please don't h-hurt yourself." I fell onto the ground placing my head on the wooden door, again I hear the same sobbing sound.

" (Y/N) darling, please let me in, I'm so fucking sorry, I know I've been a total jerk but.. please don't do it, you don't deserve this, I'm so so sorry princess" I sobbed, tears fell down my face dropping on the carpet.

I heard footsteps coming closer to my direction.

The door clicked and slowly creaked as it opens wider showing the face of an angel, with teary eyes.

I stood up and hugged her tightly, "I-I'm sorry princess, you'll never treat yourself right but darling, i want you to. I've been a jerk and you might not even what to see me right now but.. I love you so fucking much, your my whole world (Y/N), please don't leave me," I cried out, not letting go of her arms.

"Niall.. it's alright, but you got a lot to make up for." (Y/N) said I sighed in relief, I kissed her cheeks,

"Thank you princess, for giving me another chance." I cried again, (Y/N) is too good for me, she's an angel sent from heaven one of the most beautiful too.

"I love you, Ni." She says placing her hands behind my neck, I moved my hands down to her waist and looked her in the eyes.

"I love you a thousand times more princess," I spoke and merged our lips together.

I missed her soft lips, I miss cuddling and just chilling on the couch making terrible jokes only me (Y/N) and I would understand.

I found that I missed (Y/N) more then anyone, she's perfect.


Word Count: 876
[Not Including This]
[And Below Text.]

Hello everyone!
Thanks for reading this chapter sorry it took a while, it's not even long but I'm having my exams right now and I don't have much time to write here.

So I'm incredibly sorry, I may not be able to update still like next week Friday 😭

See you then! 💓💓
Peace Out! ✌️🇮🇪

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