twenty - let's win gold together

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The feeling doesn't sink in until the whole atmosphere is filled with sorrow. Yuzuru understood the gravity of her situation and even slightly what she was feeling, but never to such a deep extent as he did now. At that very moment, the apartment was filled with only the fewest of sounds. There was that song that came as the show they watched came to an end, and there was Gabriella's wailing which grew in controlled volume as time passed by. It wasn't at all that loud, but it wasn't shy. It had perfectly explained everything she was feeling inside.

Ocean-like was Yuzuru's eyes as he watched Gabriella fail at withholding her tears. He found himself in a position wherein he didn't know what to do. There was an ill-fated silence, only covered by piercing sobs that came out of the woman beside him. Out of the blue, amid her suffering, he wanted to do something more. A little hesitant at first, but he found himself by her side for comfort, he placed his hands on her back, it was a slow caress and contact. There were no proper words to say, but he hoped that a small gesture of his choice was enough to help her calm down and feel a little better.

Eventually, her crying seized. She took a few deep breaths and smiled with a little less pressure. "Ah. That was a great cry..." She looked up with a laugh as she spoke. Her voice was deep and congested as caused by the see of wailing. Her gaze then turned to Yuzuru with much affection and gratitude. "You better forget that this happened." She threatened, but that tone immediately left her system as her whole expression softened. "Thank you for helping me make up my mind." She uttered to him, with no hint of hesitation left.

Confusion was the way Yuzuru took her words, however, he couldn't help but feel a raging flow of internal joy towards her. If he was to compare her expression and physique when she first opened the door for him, she looked less stressed now. Her nature which looked so confused and upset turned into something warm, something with a lot more certainty. "It's nothing. I've told you once before that I'm cheering you on." Yuzuru replied, holding his hand tightly inside the other. Saying these few words honestly made him slightly nervous about what else may slip out of his mouth. Nothing compares to how strong his feelings are whenever he's with her. When she smiles, he feels as if he's on top of the world. He feels like a flowing ocean. When she cried, the feeling was more than just a play of empathy, he felt like he was there with her. He felt like a dead and worn-out tree was growing inside of him. Seeing her crying did more than kill him inside.

His feelings were more so strengthened by this encounter. This time around, he was more than sure that he grew enamored by her. He liked her, more than he felt like he should. But his feelings were always bothered by the thought that she didn't like him in that way.

That's where he was mistaken–for the feeling was mutual. Gabriella was a little less honest about her feelings, but she truly liked him. Every time that he was near her, she felt her heart wanting to jump out of her chest. To her, he was the calming pill to a vile and raging storm. He filled her heart with so much completeness and hope. He made it so she wanted to keep going. When she thinks of him, everything that holds her back suddenly collapses. He made her struggles more comfortable. He made her want to move forward with her life.

A sigh escaped her mouth as she has come to realize her feelings for him once more. Everything felt so certain in her mind at that point. She was lit with such burning passion for everything. She felt free and hopeful. She has made her decision. Her fears didn't matter all that much anymore.

"Let's win a gold medal together. What do you say, Yuzuru Hanyu." She said to him in a spiral of emotions. She smiled at him so dearly as she extended her hand out.

nevertheless || yuzuru hanyu Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum