fourteen - joyful are the winds of spring

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He engulfed an entire skating rink with the longing for spring. Every time, he got lost in his own prowess. He moved beautifully. He didn't show calculations, he was full of mystery yet also surrounded by precision. His expressions will lure you in, he will make you feel the story he's trying to tell. It was like poetry, a beautiful analogy, radiating a beautiful sensation. It was hard not to watch. Even just looking away felt like a crime. He becomes a different being when he's on ice, he makes everyone feel more human than they already are.

Emotions were rushing in and out of Gabriella as she watched Yuzuru skate to Haru yo koi, whilst Yuzuru was in the middle of writing a poetry with the way he moved through the ice. They both radiated passion, showcasing their great admiration for artistry and its fleeting sensation.

For almost an entire hour, Gabriella could not even look at her phone once despite hearing chimes that were made muffled by the strong emotions she was traversing through. It was harmonious and joyful in her heart that she almost wanted to cry out of pure joy.

And when it over, she couldn't fathom the spell she was under. Never once has she ever felt so hypnotized by the way someone traveled through the ice. It was an extraordinary feeling, a feeling that lasted even after the skate. If someone told her that she was watching a competition, she wouldn't even question it. His whole artwork deserved its own museum, it was perfect.

With all the emotions bottled up inside her, she slowly approached him, a mesmerized expression still lingering on her face. As she came closer, he left the rink, covered his skates and approached her. He smiled knowing he did well and that he was able to catch her attention.

"I imagined you'd be great, but... that was something else." Were the first words that came out of her mouth.

"I am at a lost for words. I'm not even overreacting, I truly am speechless." She continued, still fazed by what she has just witnessed. Yuzuru smiled brightly. He was extremely proud of himself, not only because he felt as though he enamored Gabriella, but because he was able to redeem himself from yesterday's practice.

"I told you, there would be good days and bad days. This is definitely one of the good days, right?" She asked with a smile, shaking her head in complete disbelief that she was talking to someone with that much talent and passion.

"It is a good day, for many reasons." Yuzuru laughed as he told her. He was with a piercing smile, it was contagious and heart-melting. Gabriella was laughing with him in a matter of seconds. "I am still in disbelief. Wow." She uttered, not knowing what else to say.

"Well, you should sit down first. You've been standing for a whole hour." Yuzuru said, as he lead her to a seat nearby.

"I didn't even notice. I was honestly too distracted." Gabriella replied.

"Yeah, I tend to be distracting." He said with a laugh.

Gabriella then stopped in her tracks and looked at him with a pensive gaze. "Okay. You're not really mistaken so, I will ignore that." She uttered, then continuing on towards the seat that Yuzuru pointed at. While she was on her way, Yuzuru couldn't stop himself from laughing and that went on for quite a long time.

They both sat down, in their view were other figure skaters practicing their routines and steps. Gabriella was hugely invested in watching them, occasionally giving them compliments through Yuzuru. Once more, like the night before, he couldn't stop smiling towards her direction.

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