seventeen - how fast can a beautiful night turn stale?

420 16 12

:: Gabriella

After asking for water service, I returned to Yuzuru immediately. "What took you so long?" He questioned in a laughing manner. I studied his expression and it seemed like he's feeling better than before. "I just got some water and maybe went elsewhere." I confidently told him. "Alright." He simply said to me. "By the way, since you've been singing this whole time, I think its finally my turn." He unexpectedly said. He confidently stood up and picked the microphone up from where I left it.

"Wait a second, let me get comfortable. I'm looking forward to this." I said to him in reply. I hurriedly sat down on the couch, expecting a beautiful harmony to come out of him.

But all expectations went out the window when he actually started singing. Man, he was so passionate about it that it was kind of difficult to be mean. The song was so lively too so he was even jumping during some parts of it. He wasn't any different from how he is when he was lip-syncing to songs. I thought he'd be quite worn out, but surprisingly, crying seemed to have given him more energy. It made me happy to see him so lively. I have to admit, he's looks most magnificent when he smiles.


That does not dismiss the fact that he sucks at singing. I mean finally something he's not good at, he can't have it all.

I grinned luminously at him as he finished singing. I could tell he was anticipating me to say something nice, but yeah no. "The audacity you have—to give me a three out of ten!" I said to him in a louder tone, still with a huge smile etched on my face. "You're not any better at singing than I am!" I let out.

"What do you mean? I sounded so much better than you." He explained. "That's not true at all." I asserted. We went back and forth, we were very petty but it was fun. Just then, the machine showed his score, and suddenly I wanted to throw myself in front of a bus.

"A 94! REALLY?" I yelled out in pure bitterness. "You sounded just like I did. I'm telling you this machine is a scam!" I declared, still aggravated by the score I got.

Then, out of nowhere, Yuzuru said, "Well done, Gabriella Kim. Even the karaoke machine doesn't want to treat you fairly."

I looked at him, my eyes completely wide whilst I was left speechless. "Excuse me. What the hell did you just say?" I asked him, in the nicest way I could which honestly didn't seem nice at all. "Gabriella, it was a joke. Hehe." He replied, putting his hands in front of him and backing up away from me. Of course, as he tried to get away from me, I kept on approaching him. "It was joke." He said once more followed by an uneasy laugh.

"Asshole." I muttered in Korean. I could feel my eyes twitching and I would think that it is quite a terrifying sight. And of course, that's when he started making his way around the booth trying to get away from me, but since the booth is not too big, I ended up halting my chase before one of us gets seriously hurt. However, we did run around quite a bit and it made us both tired, so we both ended up in the couch.

"I was not expecting that out of you. I don't know if I'm impressed or if I want to kick you, but either way, it's a pretty good joke." I rolled my eyes as I told him.

"Of course it is. I made it." He continued once more. He was filled with so much confidence that it was difficult for me to process."Wow." I reacted in disbelief. "You went from thanking me one second to now making fun of me. Just wow, Yuzuru. Wow." I said to him, still in bitter disbelief.

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