twelve - the sunshine in his eyes

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"Yuzuru?" Gabriella uttered to herself as she saw him for what may seem like the fourth time now.

Similar to her stature, he also watched the sunset. He had wireless earphones on, and he looked at the coming slumber of the sun with intensity and elegance.

Gabriella's gaze was intently focused on him as she wondered how in the world she has seen Yuzuru for the fourth time in a huge country like Canada. She wasn't complaining, if anything she was delighted to see him, she was just appalled by the coincidence.

In her excitement, she thought that it would be nice to approach him. But as she walked closer to him and observed his gaze towards the setting sun, he didn't seem to be in the same mood he was in yesterday. There was something abrupt and wrong. He looked so neutral yet so full of words and emotions at the same time.

She had second thoughts, but a part of her kept fighting that maybe he needed to feel the presence of another person, so she took a chance.

She approached Yuzuru, who was intently looking at the sleepy sun, leaning his body to the railings.

"Is everything al—" Without Gabriella's statement fully leaving her mouth, Yuzuru roughly flinched forward, almost pushing him off the edge. Through the likeness of instinct, Gabriella grabbed on his jacket with full strength, almost fully embracing him. With due force, they both fell to the ground and grumbled in pain.

Upon realizing that he was still laying on Gabriella's arm, Yuzuru stood up with a worried demeanor on his face. He then extended a hand to Gabriella, and helped her up.

"I—am so sorry." Gabriella said, not being able to look him in the eyes, "You see, I didn't think you would react that way. I'm so sorry." She continued, still not being able to look at Yuzuru. "I am so sorry. Here's a flower for peace offering. I'm sorry." She still kept on saying as she extended her hand and tried to hand Yuzuru the camellia.

As she couldn't keep her eyes on Yuzuru, she was not able to see the gleam in Yuzuru's face. He was silently laughing at her attempt at an apology, not knowing she never needed to apologize.

A few seconds passed, and Gabriella finally had the courage to look at Yuzuru, she was extremely sorry and regretful, she was even sweating because of the panic she was feeling, but all of that disappeared as her eyes witnessed Yuzuru laughing to himself.

She had a stern look on her face, she was upset but she somehow pulled it into a smile. She then sighed and looked at him with as much calmness as she could exude. While she was trying to compose herself, Yuzuru tried so hard to contain his laughter.

"How could you laugh right now? I almost pushed you off." Gabriella hoarsely spoke with her eyes closed, finally being able to find respectful words to say.

Yuzuru just smiled, taking the one of the flowers that Gabriella still had on her hand.

"It's not so bad, after all, almost falling might have the best thing that happened to me today." He said with a smile, walking away with the flower in his hand.

Gabriella froze for a second, not knowing how to react to his response. Eventually, she looked at him in wonder and ended up followed him, having nothing else that she felt like she wanted to do.

"Are you okay?" She looked at him, remembering his expressions by the railings. "I noticed that you seemed a little off a while ago..." Gabriella stated out of concern.

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