five - meeting the sunshine (1)

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"I would say this day exceeded my expectations." Gabriella spoke as Joanna was driving.

"I would agree, it seemed like they were actually having fun training unlike how they usually are. Especially Kane, that kid never likes to go first, he usually just keeps quiet and wait until he's asked. They were all really different today, they must like you a lot." Joanna expressed.

"Well, if that's the case then that's good to hear. I had a lot of fun too. I can't even believe I was able to play. I have to say I'm quite impressed with myself."

"Gab, you should be impressed with yourself. You seem to be going back to how you were before the incident. It's fine to feel proud of your little achievements from time to time." Joanna said, still keeping her eyes on the road.

Gabriella smiled at Joanna, she was almost in disbelief of how nice this person was being to her. This was considering how they have not even met until a few days ago. She was thankful that Joanna was there to listen, because most of the time, simple emotions that she feels are often left unexpressed.

"I want to treat you to dinner," Gabriella uttered out of nowhere. This was one of the quickest things she thought of to show her gratitude for Joanna's warm welcome.

In her mind, this woman let her stay in her apartment, fed her and even listened to her wondrous feelings. Though it seemed like the bare minimum this wasn't always the case with Gabriella, so she just couldn't help but be thankful.

"Come on, there's no need to do that. You're the guest, I should be treating." Joanna replied.

"I'm going to be here for four months and I eat a lot, you're going to go broke if you answer for our every meal. Since I'm living with you anyway, why don't we share costs for a few months." Gabriella suggested, to which Joanna was hesitant at first.

"Come on, Joanna. This is the only way I will feel comfortable living with you. Do you want your guest to be in discomfort?" Gabriella asked with the intention to incite guilt.

"Oh come on, don't do that. Are you seriously—fine! Gosh, I didn't know you played dirty Gabriella, I'm so disappointed." Joanna said, then breaking into a laugh, inciting Gabriella to break into laughter as well.

"Alright then, where do we eat?" Gabriella asked, still laughing along with Joanna.

Joanna then turned her head to Gabriella for a second, holding a grin in her face as if she just had a wonderful idea. However, she didn't tell Gabriella this idea, she just drove off and smiled.

"What's with that look? Suspicious." Gabriella said.

With the role of an eye, Joanna responded, "Shush. I'll drive us there. It's just a small, not so small place, but their food is definitely premium! And its a surprise so just sit tight and be comfortable."

"Alright. Alright. Fine" Gabriella said, just sitting comfortably in patience until Joanna gets to where she wants to eat.


After a few minutes of driving, Joanna parked the car into a silent driveway. It seemed like there was nothing open at this area, except for a small cabin that had a huge sign saying, Olympia's Bed and Breakfast.

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