nine - a book we write with choices

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"A stranger sees us the way we are, not as he wishes to think we are."  ― Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind


"Yuzuru." She uttered, almost in disbelef that she was seeing him. Despite what weight she was feeling, a smile crept up from the sides of her mouth, unable to control the slight amount of happiness that she had, upon seeing a familiar face.

"Ms. Kim!" He cheerfully greeted. "It's nice to see you again." He happily uttered as he got in the elevator.

"Ms. Kim? Seriously?" Gabriella questioned, staring him down completely. He called her Gabriella then, so she wondered what's with the sudden formality.

"I just thought it would be funny to call you that given the way you looked at the lady from the reception when she called you that. You're giving me the same look right now." He explained as he pressed the button to the 5th floor.

Gabriella scoffed. "I thought it would be a nicer reason that that, but okay." She said, rolling her eyes in disappointment.

"Well, there is a nicer reason, but I refuse to tell you that. You'll know it if time allows it to happen." He explained, looking at her intently.

Gabriella then returned the look with a raised eyebrow and a lot of suspicion. "Huh." She quietly muttered as she nodded continuously. "Suspicious." She said, but after a few seconds she started laughing about it.

"Well, I guess I will make it my goal to find out whatever that reason is," She calmly said to him, but then she turned to him with her eyes wide saying, "BUT, you better stop calling me Ms. Kim or else..." She expressed, eventually looking away from him.

She then smiled to herself as if she had everything planned if he called her with formalities again.

"Or else what? What are you going to do?" He repeatedly questioned her.

"I don't know." She said, then smiling brightly to herself. Yuzuru looked at her with suspicion, but eventually that suspicion grew into a lot of endearment.

"Anyways, what are you doing here? This would be the last place I thought I'd find you." Gabriella questioned looking at him once more.

"Well, I can say the same to you. What are you doing here?" He slyly answered her with a question.

"Well, I just enjoy reading books every once in a while. Not to mention I'm in a foreign country and that just means more books to read. Who knows I might get some inspiration to finally start getting my life together." She responded.

"If it helps, you seem like you are very well put." He replied with a soft smile.

A quaint smile appeared on Gabriella's face, "That means a lot." Her smile then widened as she said, "Thank you."

Then a few seconds fell into silence once more. By then the elevator opened and Yuzuru looked at Gabriella with a sense of invitation.

"Come with me for a while. After all, you already missed your floor so just read with me." He said, picking apart the fact that she missed her floor.

"I didn't think you'd notice." Gabriella replied, exiting the elevator as she spoke.

"Well, if you do figure skating long enough you'll eventually learn to notice even the smallest of details. That being said, its hard not to notice that you missed your floor." He said laughing as softly as he could.

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