Chapter 14 ㅡ Grave Danger

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"Leave me" you hollered with all your might as your room lugged you inside your house. Her face was crinkled up in outrage and wrath like never before. Your outcry had dismayed her but she was prompt to buck your wrist away resulting in you striking the floor of your lustrous living room. 

"What did I tell you?" She asked, seizing your chin between her fingers and giving it a shake. You thrust away from her and stood up. You had seen this happen before, you weren't going to let it happen with you. 

"I'm not obliged to listen to you," you said, your voice quavering but words vehement. "I'll do what I want" she gripped her jaw and a slap was about to come your way but you had learned to defend yourself. Her wrist was now captured between your hands. She snarled and you let her go. 

"I shouldn't have trusted you in the first place, of course, you would turn out like your brother- "enough" you intervened. "That was all your fault, he died because of you and only you" you were roaring now. 

But it seemed as if it was just the souls of you both in this monumental mansion. You were well aware of the maids concealing in crooks and corners, not wanting to witness the scene that was replicating once more in just three years. 

"What kind of mother are you? You only care about yourself" tears fled but you swabbed them away. You had wept enough before this woman. 

"What do you think is going to happen to you? Her voice got mild and that initiated a dissimilar dimension of trepidation in you. "There's no one who will save you from me" her lips coiled up in the most despicable sneer you had seen. 

"He will come" you declared, gripping your fists at your sides. "Jungkook loves me, he will come" 

"That damned boy, he's nothing but an object in my way, I can easily get rid of him" she strode to you with prolonged strides and clasped your elbow. You winced but didn't look away from her eyes rather gazed back with the same revulsion and loathness. 

"Not a word about him, I've told him everything, he knows what you truly are" you forewarned. You could tolerate all the indictments hurled at you but not a single word at him. 

"We'll see about that" she tugged you away as your breath struggled. What was she going to do with you? What fiendish plan had her satan mind concocted now? 

Instead of leading her steps to your room that was on the second floor, she took you to the vacant room at the end of the first-floor corridor. That room had been latched for as long as you can remember. No one was permitted to go in there and you had always been inquisitive about it. What a great situation to aid that curiosity. 

She opened the door with a click of a ring around her wrist and the door was left ajar. She propelled you in as your back hit the cold floor, blood oozing out of your elbow. 

You held back a wince of pain, you weren't going to let her see your vulnerable figure ever again. As the door was sealed behind her loudly and the lock clicked, all that was left with you in this hushed room was hope. Hope that Jungkook will come and get you out of this hell. 

"Y/n" Hyun-suk whispered as you veered your eyes from the painting you were so absorbed in. You goggled around your room, scrutinizing for the voice that had called you with a spooked look. You reluctantly spun back, giving your head a pragmatic shake. 

Hyunsuk impeded himself from letting out a laugh at your scared stance as he once again pronounced your name with a spooky tone from under your bed.

Now, your eyes dilated as you were certain of a ghost presence in your room. You gradually began to shift in your seat, wanting but also not wanting to see what was behind you. 

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