Chapter 03 ㅡ Hard To Get

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Jungkook's POV
''I'm sorry'' she proclaimed loudly as I gave her a nod and revolved my back to leave as quickly as possible. her presence was certainly making me feel some type of way. I couldn't tear my eyes off her even when my mind kept telling me to stay away from her enchanting dark eyes. 

I was inches away from the door when I ceased my steps and turned to her once more. my mind was silenced. she gasped upon seeing me so close to her and quickly backed away her feet.

 ''I didn't quite catch your name'' I said. ''y/n'' she mumbled as a noded. I bit the edge of my lip, contemplating.

 ''want to have lunch with me?'' the question left me before I could weigh the circumstances. she looked suspicious, eyes squinted at me. right. she hadn't even spared me a tad bit of her attention, what was I trying to do? 

''in return for my help, you can do that, right?'' I quickly added as she took a minute to think, giving me some time to recall my words so far too. 

what was I even thinking?. in return for my help that she didn't ask and I offered myself?. I must have sounded like a total jerk saying this. 

''fine'' she responded and the regret was gone. as long as she agreed, it didn't matter what it took me to convince her. it was obvious she would have rejected me if I hadn't bought up the favor I had done her the previous hour. 

she most probably agreed to it 'cause she didn't want to owe me anything. I could only imagine what she might have been thinking about my dignity right now, but surprisingly, it didn't seem to matter much to me. 

''I have something to take care of, I'll join you in the cafeteria after that'' I said. I had a schedule to follow, I wasn't free. my friends were probably waiting for me but I was here, asking a girl, who I just met, out for lunch. a girl who showed no interest in me. a girl that definitely wasn't my type but had nevertheless caught my attention to the extent that I couldn't gain it back. 

Maybe it was my pride that had gotten hurt after she didn't give a second look to me that had made me curious about what kind of person she was to be ignoring the most handsome heartthrob of the university. yeah, it was definitely that.


I sat at the boisterous cafeteria after canceling all my plans for the girl who hadn't shown up yet. I scrolled through my phone mindlessly, my sanity now wandering off to create possibilities that could be the reason for her absence.

It felt eerie how I had taken a minute to ask her to join me for lunch when I was known to keep the girls hanging for months. There was certainly something strange about the visage she had put up. Talking to her felt like talking to a robot. Her expressions barely made a change. Something was off about the way she acted, the way she behaved. 

Yet, one look from her managed to induce unprecedented and indecipherable sensations in my veins. Even if I would die rather than saying it out loud, she had made my heart flutter and mind immobilized by doing absolutely nothing, instead ignoring me.

But I wasn't born yesterday. It could be a newly developed tactic of hers to get me into her bed only her face and overall disposition stated just the opposite.

A teen boy, who I had never seen before, tapped on my shoulder as I broke out of my trail of never-ending thoughts. 

The boy gave me a forced smile that looked more like a toothache resultant, kept a torn piece of paper in front of me, and scurried away at the speed of light. 

The confusion was vivid on my features for a moment before I turned to read the words scribbled on the paper. As the words sank in, a scoff made its way out. What on earth was actually going on with her? First, she agrees and now doesn't even show up to refuse? 

Judging from the number of details of her that I could recall ㅡ her stylish clothes, expensive dainty jewelry, and exquisite mannersㅡ all gave away her affluence. 

So was this how a rich girl traps her bait? By playing hard and getting their victim to get fazed behind them. Whatever the reason and whatever the aim, I had definitely gained her my utmost attention and in the near future, my heart if I didn't distance myself from her now. 

standing up from my seat, I scrunched the note in my pocket and strutted out of the cafeteria.  


''I'm home'' I yelled as I slipped out of my shoes and slung myself on the couch. ''you didn't go rambling around with your group of boys ?'' my mom called out, appearing from behind the kitchen door to give me a minute-long look and then vanishing again.

I got up and lazily trudged inside the kitchen. the fresh aroma of my mom's hand-made delicious food made me more hungry than I already was. taking a peep over my mom's shoulder to see what was boiling, I backed out and jumped to sit at the counter. 

It was just the two of us in this very suitable 2 bedroom apartment. Sure my mom was a principal of a prestigious school, but she wasn't someone to spend money on unnecessary expenses. 
She always said that "it's better to spend the money on something that will provide comfort or help to people for a long time rather than on things that you're going to leave behind". 

"Don't" my mom hissed as I ceased my feet from hitting the cabinets beneath the shelf. 

"How was your day?" I asked. She turned around, hands on her hips and a very made-up aghast look on her face. 

"What?, can't I ask you that?" I whined, picking at my nails like a toddler. 

"It's just that you rarely do" she answered and turned to stir her soup once more. It was times like these when I was hit by the fact that my mom had no one left in this world except me. And having me around was the same as having absolutely no one. It was true I didn't spend much time with her nor did I do anything to impress her, yet whenever we sat down for a meal together, like today, none of us brought each other's faults up. 

"I got a call from your school's counselor today," she said, settling down the steaming broth on the table as I kept the bowls down with a little more force than needed. 

"Why," I asked, knowing damn well why. 

"Well, she sounded happy. She told me you finally attended the maths lecture and on top of that, paid attention too" 

I rolled my eyes.

"I have to admit, the latter part left me surprised too," she said, pouring the soup on both of our bowls. 

"I don't attend any other lecturers consistently too, but do they call you each time I bunk their class?" I deadpanned.

"That's because it's not unusual, you attending a class is rare, son" my mom beckoned me to the breadbasket. 

"I didn't even pay that much heed to her talks" I mumbled, putting the bread down in front of her.

"I heard that," she said. "But even if you didn't pay heed now, when are you planning on doing it?" 

I dropped my spoon which resulted in the soup splashing some of the liquid out. 

"What do you mean?" I asked, my eyebrows knit.

She sighed before setting her spoon down gently and crossing her fingers together. She shifted all her attention to my stiff figure as my eyes didn't waver away.

"You have to get serious jungkook, you can't just roam around for the rest of your life" 

I looked away, my fist and jaw clenched tightly. It took me a minute-long silence and a painful squeeze to my lip to finally compose myself.

"I have no appetite" I rumbled as politely as possible before harshly kicking my chair back and walking to the main door.

"Jungkook," she called out again. "I know you can do it, I believe you son"

'I can't, I never will, I wanted to scream but all I did was slam the door shut. Leaving both of our ages-old wounds hurting like new.

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