Chapter 01 ㅡ A Rare Sight

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Quietness. That's what surrounds you all the time. When you woke up in the morning when you returned to sleep and the time spent in between, all was accomplished in absolute silence. Except for the few moments you were forced to devote to your parents, that being the time you left for school. 

You rose from the bed for a start and stared around your enormous room. White was all you could see. The dresser, the bed, the curtains, every little thing in your room was white. It provided peace when the chaos got too much to bear, besides it was the only thing of your preference in this house. 

The mirror reflected your straight-laced appearance. Dark hair that fell to your waist tied in a ponytail, your face not having a trace of makeup, little pearls that were given by your mother to you last week decorated on your ears were the only ornaments that you bore to wear.

A little silver ring on your finger was quickly removed and hidden beneath a drawer. You couldn’t wear it unless you were alone.

You gently prod your bag on your shoulder and clear your throat looking at yourself in the full-length mirror. Your eyes scrutinized your figure, looking for any flaws that your mother always pointed out, flaws that always remained imperceptible to your eyes yet had hurled insecurities deep inside you.

You couldn't help but equate yourself to a robot. A living dead body. You stared at yourself. Your eyes held no emotion. your lips that had forgotten to smile. A knock on the door wavered your steps away from the object that reflected nothing but a facade you had created for the outer world's eyes.

''Miss y/n, are you ready to leave?'' The servants were another thing that distressed you. Them always being around you, telling you what to do make you feel like their slave but there was nothing you could do. You were bound to listen to your mother's orders and so were they.

You nodded at the elderly female who was your housekeeper for as long as you could remember, as she cleared your way to the flight of stairs that led to the first floor of the mansion. Slowly stepping down, you tried your best not to make a single noise as according to your mother, it exceeds basic discipline.

''Stop'' your mom's stern voice, stripped of any emotion called love, reached out to you as you reluctantly seized your steps and turned to face the full breakfast table of the huge dining hall. In your early childhood, all your friends from kindergarten wanted to know if life inside the expensive walls was just how it was portrayed in movies; quiet, professional and not comforting like a home should be. 

You had lied to them every time. boasted about how much happiness luxury bought and exaggerated the amount of love you received from your parents to the extent it seemed true to you too. But those absurd words that left your mouth were never enough to keep you in your delusional but desired world for long. 
You had been coerced to come back to reality as the rules over you increased and the invisible shackles tightened as you grew up.

''I told you to take a leave today'' she sounded frustrated, a tone you were familiar to. Your figure trembled, lips going dry on the thought of replying to her which she might take as a retort. 

''I have e-exams next w-week, maths class i-is important'' your words shook off your tongue in an unsteady rhythm as your eyes dared to catch a glimpse of your parent's straight and upright posture seated on the grand table. The bright chandelier hanging above the feast blinded you, the vastness of the villa suffocated you but there was nothing you were permitted to speak in. Your opinion was never needed. nor was your presence ever required.

''Let her go, but come early'' your father spoke in a gentle yet authoritative tone, in times like these, you were glad your father was a tad bit better than your mom in dealing with his children. Your mom gave a dismayed nod in your direction to which you practically sprinted outside your house, the guards opening the tremendous doors for you.

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