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jisung looked at himself in the mirror, studying how his body was perfectly sculpted by the outfit felix had chosen for him.

it was a deep blue colored, long sleeve, crop top with a pair of skin tight, leather black pants. felix had added a pair of black, platform boots to complete the look.

it definitely fit jisung's whole look for a night out. his brown hair was messy, falling over his forehead slightly. jisung added his own touch by putting in blue contacts to complete it all.

to say he looked hot was an understatement, he was smoking. he hated to admit it, but felix did a really good job. it made him all the more excited to go out and have fun with his best friends.

he walked out of the bathroom, after checking himself out once more, and was met with felix running around trying to pack his things up... half naked.

"y'all oh my god, we need to hurry! we need to be like the first in line at the club to get in easier and i want food before we go." felix panicked, trying to find the pants he was going to wear tonight.

"lix, you're the only one who isn't ready." jisung said, leaning against the door.

"yeah, because i can't find my damn pants." felix pulled his hair before hearing small snickers behind him.

he turned around with a deadly glare towards jeongin who was holding something behind his back, "give them, now."

"no." jeongin laughed.

"you littl-"

everyone was packed tight into the car, ready to go get some food before their later activities for the night.

they decided to just go to a convenience store to grab some chips and drinks. they didn't need that much food in their systems, right? they kinda wanted to get black out wasted and just forget the night possibly.

after retrieving their items and paid for them, they quickly ate in the car as they headed to the club.

they decided to take an uber because they all wanted to get drunk, but they chose a club pretty close just in case it was too late in the night to call an uber. they only took the uber there because none of them wanted to sweat off their makeup yet. that had to wait till they were dancing.

after a very short drive, they arrived in front of the club. they paid the driver before getting out and heading in.

it was jammed already with sweaty bodies and drunk people talking around them. the music was blasting throughout the whole club, and it took them all a minute to adjust to the level of sound. the lights were almost blinding with how they were flashing around, changing colors.

jisung had honestly forgot what it felt like to go out partying. ever since college, he didn't  really have the time to. he was always so busy with work or was sleeping away because he was exhausted from the hours he spent in the studio, at work. so it felt nice to finally go out and have a night out with his friends. he really needed it. this was going to be a super fun night that he'd be able to just let go and do whatever his inner crazy self wanted to do.

he really missed partying. in high school, he felt like such a party animal. getting drunk and doing drugs at parties.... and then hooking up with minho...

jisung thought back onto that, it making his emotions waver slightly. but he quickly shook the thought away. the night was going to be completely different. tonight was the night to forget about everything and let loose for once.

"c'mon ji! let's go get some drinks." felix clapped his hands together with a small squeal before grabbing jisung and jeongin's hands, jeongin grabbing seungmin's, to drag them to the bar. leaving hyunjin and changbin to just watch their lovers and friends run off to make stupid decisions.

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