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harsh shakes began to disturb jisung from his slumber, bringing his mind to consciousness to see a bright head of platinum hair smiling down at him. "jii!! wake up!"

jisung's eyebrows furrowed, looking up at the male who had disturbed his sleeping, "what do you want?" he grumbled with a pout.

"you should wake up! it's past noon already and we need to get ready." felix kept shaking the boy who was trying to fall back into his slumber.

"ready for what?" jisung looked at felix with tired eyes.

"clubbing! you promised me we could go out, and you honestly need it." felix nudged jisung's arm.

jisung groaned, now remembering that he had indeed promised that to felix. he was now questioning why he had agreed to it and he really wanted to back out. but then again, felix was right. jisung did need a night out.

there was so much going on and jisung needed an outlet. more desperately than he would admit to. but felix already knew that and had a whole plan set for them.

he invited their friends out, minus chan and minho. there was no way felix was going to let this outing get back to his household. because, for one, he knows his boyfriend is way too nice for his own good. which would result in chan bringing minho and jaemin along, and that would just ruin the whole point of going out. but of course, he'd let chan know he'd be out with his bestie, just not the exact location.

chan was a good boyfriend and very sweet, but he could be a little too over protective at times. felix didn't mind at all, but when it came to a situation that involved his bestie, it was kind of a problem.

felix wanted to have a fun night with his friends, and he didn't want anything to ruin it.

"okay fine.. when are we leaving?" jisung sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"well i think we should get some food in our system before going out to drink... so maybe in a couple hours? either way, it's going to take us forever to get ready so get up and shower. i'm going to run back to my place really quick and grab some sexy clothes and i'll grab some coffee on the way back." felix gave a thumbs up, standing up and walking to where his phone and keys were set.

"okay.. see you soon." jisung waved, yawning.

felix waved with his little hand while walking out the door. leaving the house empty. it made jisung a bit confused because he swore that jeongin and seungmin were here. and also, hadn't changbin come back from work already?

he stood up from the bed and made his way to changbin's room. he opened the door to peek inside and saw changbin's sleeping figure on top of the bed. the blankets were down at his  waist, exposing his perfectly built back.

jisung smiled softly, walking over and climbing under the blankets. he poked up changbin's side, trying to wake up the elder.

changbin hummed, already knowing who was poking him. he turned his head to look at jisung with his eyes half shut. he gave a small smile, "morning sung."

"it's afternoon actually." jisung giggled.

"oh really?" changbin opened his eyes a bit more, "it feels like morning."

"only because you just woke up." jisung sat up, running the tips of his fingers up and down changbin's back.

changbin hummed, closing his eyes again, "that feels nice."

jisung smiled lightly, leaning down and leaving small kisses up changbin's spine.

"that feels even better." changbin chuckled.

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