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"you're up early, good morning." changbin greeted as jisung stepped in the kitchen.

"oh," jisung chuckled, "i slept well, is all." he simply said, receiving a hum from changbin.

"coffee?" the older offered, making him nod as a reply.

while waiting, jisung opened his phone and went through his notifications. most of the notifications were from their groupchat which includes felix and the throuple. he read each notification, then tensed when a new notification popped up in front of his eyes.

minho ^^
good morning

startled by the sudden greeting, he opened the conversation and glanced at changbin who was waiting for the water to boil before looking back at the screen of his phone.

suddenly, he remembered what went on last night, making his heart beat quick. no, they didn't do anything aside from that kiss, and after that they just stayed for a while, glued to each other's chests and encased in each other's arms. sure they walked together until they had to separate paths, jisung insisted that they part ways to get home quickly since it was already late last night.

flustered, he hid his face from changbin, looking at his lap as he tried to suppress a smile. he felt like a teenager gushing over a text from their crush. he even thought about what to reply and settled with replying a greeting back.

meanwhile, minho was watching whatever drama was on the tv, his phone on the small table in front of him. a soft but audible pop sound made him jolt up from his seat and grab his phone quickly. he smiled as jisung replied.

he thought of what to say, although he already knew what he wanted to say, he just couldn't put it into the right words.

he wanted to see the younger one, maybe go out for breakfast, maybe have lunch, or maybe grab dinner. whenever jisung is free for the day, he absolutely wouldn't mind what time. if it's jisung, why not? am i right...


of course, minho hadn't forget about jaemin yet. the boy had gone out with felix to the café to try out the new flavors that came in today.

i'll just text him later. i'm sure he won't mind.

he continued on asking jisung if he was free for the day, he felt excitement as jisung replied that he won't be doing anything today since he's already passed what needed to be done to chan.

minho ^^

have you had breakfast?

hanji :]


i only had coffee though

changbin made me a cup

oh, he's with him.

surely, minho wasn't gonna give up already just because changbin made him coffee. he's gotta top that coffee.

minho ^^

wanna go grab breakfast cheesecake?

he expected jisung to say yes, he can't say no to cheescake.

on the other end, jisung coughed as he took a wrong sip of coffee.

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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