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"thank you for flying with us. flight attendants, please prepare for landing. passengers, welcome to seoul."

minho took a deep breath, leaning his head back against the headrest of his seat.

a hand began to take ahold of his, gently intertwining their fingers, "how long has it been since you've been here?"

minho looked to the side with a fond smile, looking at the boy beside him, "six years.."

"are you nervous to be back?"

"hmm.." minho thought for a second, "i'm not sure."

the boy hummed, nodding his head. he gently caressed the back of minho's hand with his thumb, "it'll be alright. if you do get nervous, i'll be there for you."

minho looked over with a soft smile, "i love you, jaemin."

"i love you too, min." jaemin smiled before leaning in and laying a small kiss on top of his boyfriend's lips.


"ji! are you coming with us or not?" felix yelled through the phone.

"where are you guys going?" jisung asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"well we are going out to eat and then maybe do some other fun shit." felix was lying straight through his teeth, but how else could he get his best friend to come with them?

"sorry lix, i think i'm gonna pass. i have a lot of work to do." jisung sighed, sitting back in his swivel chair.

felix whined loudly, making jisung bring his phone away from his ear. "but ji~! you haven't come out with us in forever." you could literally hear the prominent pout on felix's face.

"i know, i know. but felix, i've been super busy with work. i want to be able to make a good impression on these producers, i can't take time off."

"but channie and changbin take time off! and they work at the same company as you.."

"yeah but they're good at what they do.. me on the other hand.. not so much." jisung mumbled, looking down at the piece of loose fabric on his shirt that he was playing with.

"jisungie, you are amazing at what you do! and you deserve a break. so please, just spend this one outing with us?" felix pleaded.

jisung bit his lip, thinking about going out with them. a break would be nice but also being respected at his job would be too. "i'm sorry lix.. i will next time, okay? please just understand.."

"fine... but you owe me a night of clubbing. this weekend. got it?"

"got it. i'll buy the drinks." jisung chuckled.

"okay, sounds good! i'll see you then jisungiee! i lovvaaa you~ mwah!" felix blew a soundly kiss through the phone.

"i love you too lixie pixie. bye." jisung hung up the phone, setting it down on top of his desk. he took a deep breath, looking at his computer filled with unfinished songs.

"better get to work.." he mumbled to himself before popping his knuckles and refocusing


"which gate is it again?" chan asked felix who was sitting in the passenger seat next to him.

"uhm.. gate c." felix replied, pointing ahead to where they should park.

chan turned into the parking lot, stopping the car and unbuckling, "are you sure we shouldn't tell ji?"

felix let out a small sigh, "i want it to be a surprise, and i don't know how he'll react... it's been six years."

"i guess you have a point.. but still, we should tell him at some point. we don't want him freaking out over this." chan intertwined his fingers with felix's.

"i don't think we should be the ones to tell him... i think he'll want to see for himself, you know?"

chan nodded, lifting felix's hand and laying a kiss on the back of it, "alright.. we should head inside now. the plane will be landing any minute."

"okay." felix smiled, getting out of the passenger seat and going around to the other side to meet chan.

their hands instinctively molding together as soon as they were next to each other.

they walked through the doors and looked around at the signs to figure out where they should be heading.

soon enough, the gate was in view and they made it just in time to see the plane landing.

wide smiles were on their faces as they waited to see their dear friend after so long. of course they had stayed in contact but they hadn't been face to face in forever.

the doors opened, people flooding out one after the other. felix and chan kept their eyes peeled for a certain person.

felix gasped and pointed ahead, "there he is!!"

chan looked over once he saw felix waving his hand around, trying to catch the male's attention. a wide smile broke out on chan's face once he spot the person they were waiting for.

but soon, both of their smiles dropped.

minho was walking out... his hand intertwined with a person beside him. and the person definitely wasn't jisung.

the male spotted his two best friends, making his way over with the boy beside him.

"felix! chan!" minho called out to the friends he had missed so much.

"m-min!" felix and chan put smiles back on their faces, trying to hide their confusion as minho came up to them.

minho let go of the boy's hand, taking felix and chan into a big hug. they all laughed lightly in joy from finally being reunited after six years.

"it's so good to see you guys!" minho said excitedly as he pulled away.

the male looked quite different from when they had seen him last. his hair was now a silverish color and his build had seemed to become more muscular. and he had maybe even put on a few inches since he was now taller than both felix and chan.

"it's good to see you too!" felix jumped up and down slightly. then he looked over to the boy that had been standing there awkwardly. "who's this?"

minho looked back and took ahold of the boy's hand, "this is my boyfriend, jaemin." he smiled fondly before turning back to his friends, "jaemin, this is felix and chan."

"it's nice to meet you." jaemin smiled with a small bow.

"you too." chan said since felix seemed to be either speechless or acting out of pettiness. "um.. should we get going? we have a surprise for you min!" chan smiled, trying to lift the mood.

"yeah of course!" minho followed chan and felix out with jaemin's hand in his.

jaemin leaned over to minho to whisper in his ear, "i don't think they like me much.."

"don't worry babe.. they just don't know you yet." minho smiled, pecking the top of jaemin's head.

"okay.." jaemin sighed, squeezing minho's hand for comfort.

do you still love me? | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now