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a series of loud knocks were heard at felix and chan's front door. felix let out a sigh, getting up from the couch and making his way to the front door, but it was already being swung open by jeongin.

"what the fuck were you talking about on the phone?" jeongin asked, almost yelling.

felix shushed him harshly while slapping a hand over jeongin's mouth. "seungmin, hyunjin, please make yourself at home. they're in the living room." he said with a smile.

"okay..." hyunjin said, taking seungmin's hand to head into the living room.

jeongin struggled against felix's grip as the older dragged him into a different room. chan's office to be exact, since it was sound proof.

"okay, what the fuck!" jeongin said after felix finally let go of him.

"okay, i need you to settle down first." felix raised up a finger.

"yeah yeah, just tell me."

felix bit his lip, knowing the reaction wasn't going to be good.. "minho brought someone back with him, his boyfriend."

"boyfriend?! he has a new boyfriend?!" jeongin nearly yelled, ready to go out there and scream.

"yes." felix said, grabbing jeongin's arm, "and i'm telling you this because i don't want you flipping out. he's actually really sweet and we need to be nice. or at least till we know more about him, okay?"

"but what about ji?! he's going to be so upset.. he just got over minho and now he's gonna see this?" jeongin's frantic tone turned into a worried and saddened one.

"i don't know... i'm worried too. but we are going to be nice and understanding, okay? just for the moment. minho just got back from america, let's focus on that! one of our best friends, which we've missed a lot, has come back. so let's please just not ruin today."

jeongin stared at felix for a few moments before sighing and nodding his head, "fine. but after, i don't know how much i'll be able to hold in."

"gosh." felix chuckled, "we're acting like minho broke up with us."

"well, he did. you, me, and ji are a package deal. if me, seungmin, and hyunjin broke up. you and ji would be hurt too right? i know damn well i will be if you and chan ever broke up."

felix giggled, "well that'll never happen. you three are absolutely in love with each other, and i've never been so happy and in love till chan."

"good. i don't think i can handle another breakup. minho's and jisung's really did a number on me." jeongin wiped away a fake tear.

felix rolled his eyes, "whatever, let's go out there, weirdo."

jeongin laughed while exiting the room along with felix, heading back to the living room.

they walked in to see hyunjin hugging minho tightly while chan watched with a smile. seungmin stood near by, he had already given minho a hug. and then jeongin's eyes landed on jaemin sitting next to minho.

jeongin raised an eyebrow but quickly changed his expression when it was his turn to hug minho.

"minho!!" jeongin raised his arms, ready to give minho a huge hug.

"innie!" minho wrapped his arms around the youngest's waist, lifting him up into a big hug, "i've missed you so much!"

"i missed you too!" jeongin smiled.

they hugged for a few moments, before pulling away.

"innie, i want you to meet my boyfriend, jaemin. jaemin, this is jeongin." minho motioned for jaemin to stand up.

he stood up and bowed towards jeongin, "nice to meet you.."

"you too." jeongin forced a smile. "well!" he clapped his hands, "let's get this party started." where's changbin and ji?!"

"jisung isn't coming, he had work. changbin should be here in a few." chan said as felix plopped down on his lap.

minho visibly tensed for a split second, a sad expression made its way on his face.. jisung isn't coming?

he quickly changed his expression, "well, i hope changbin will be here soon."

jisung finally arrived home. he got out of his car, tiredly walking up to his shared apartment.

he walked in to see changbin gathering his things, "hey ji!" he welcomed.

"hey." he smiled. "where are you headed?"

"felix and chan's. i'm running late." he chuckled, "do you wanna catch a ride with me?"

"i already told felix not today. i'm really tired."

"alright... well then, i'll be off." changbin pecked jisung's cheek and gave him a hug.

"alright.. don't stay out too late and call me if you drink. i'll come get you." jisung smiled.

"i will." changbin smiled, giving a small peck on jisung's lips. jisung nodded and waved as changbin left.

as the door closed, jisung let out a small sigh. he felt bad for not going, especially knowing how changbin felt around chan and felix.

that was one of the reasons why jisung and changbin had been comforting each other.

changbin was of course happy for chan and felix, but also, how could he not be hurt? and his best friend had left the country, so he felt alone with his feelings. almost similar to jisung.

they had begun with just taking care of each other. moving in together and just having someone around so they weren't alone. but one night, a thing lead to another, and they slept together.

they agreed to show each other the missing affection they both craved. they felt nothing for each other at all. it was just something they did till they found the right person. and they of course, would be each other's best friend first.

jisung stepped into his room. he changed his clothes after taking a long hot shower. he sat on his bed side, setting his hand on the handle of the drawer on his nightstand.

he carefully opened it, taking out a small picture.

it was a picture from over six years ago. a photo of him and minho at jisung's seventeenth birthday party. he looked at the photo that was filled of their smiling faces as they were looking at each other.

he would always remember that night; it was one of the best. it made him wish they were at that age again. he wished that he could be with minho again, like back then. even though they were a secret at that time, they were still together. they were still happy, or at least, jisung was.

jisung let a few tears fall from his face. he felt really pathetic for still being in love with the elder. he still wished for them to be together although he was the one who ended it. but he would never ever hold minho back if he could help it. and he'd do it all over again if it meant minho would be happy.

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