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morning came, minho woke up to his boyfriend nowhere beside him. he sat down, stretching and yawning. he saw the note on jaemin's pillow which read 'good morning min! i'll be out with my friends again, i'll be home later tonight. don't skip any meals! =)' the cute smiley face written by jaemin made him smile.

he got out of the room, and walked through a hallway which led to the kitchen, seeing chan in with felix, cooking breakfast for everyone. "oh, morning minho!" chan cheerily greeted.

"morning.." minho said back with a croaky tone, "where are the other two?"

"still asleep in the living room, felix, can you wake them up?" chan asked felix who was making orange juice. he looked focused so minho volunteered instead, "i'll go wake them instead."

he walked to the living room and towards the couch bed, only to stop a few steps away when the two came to view. he doesn't know why but seeing the younger in the arms of another made his eyebrow twitch. but why? they're not together, so why should he feel anger?

his brows furrowed, but quickly shook his away the thoughts he's having as he went to changbin's side to lightly shake changbin awake. "bin, changbin?" the younger groaned, "wake up bin, it's time for breakfast, wake jisung up too.."

changbin looked around for a second before draping and arm over jisung's waist. minho just looked away to somehow ignore that simple move changbin made on the boy, for some reason he wanted to be in the place of changbin who slept next to jisung who clung onto him in his sleep.

fuck... no, think of jaemin.

minho thought to himself, his mind filled with his and jaemin's happy years together. he once again looked at jisung who stirred in his sleep then waking up. he tried to keep himself from cooing at the younger's eyes that blinked sleepily.

he cleared his throat, catching jisung's attention. jisung stared at him for a moment before tapping changbin awake.

"umm- good morning," minho said quite nervously, "chan's calling us for breakfast.." he said then started to walk away to the hall that separated the kitchen, leaving jisung with a sleepy changbin.

jisung looked up, gently smacking changbin's bicep to see if he'll wake up. nothing happened so jisung wiggled his way up, pressing kisses on changbin's neck.

"bin, wake up."

"mhmm, no.." changbin whined.

"chan hyung's gonna get mad if we don't get up. now come on." jisung bit on changbin's clothed shoulder, the older only hissing in pain.

"you're such a biter.."

"i know, now let's gooo..." jisung cutely elongated which made changbin pull jisung up with him and bit on his shoulder the same way jisung did to his.

"ow! that hurt.." jisung pouted, changbin kissed the pout away and chuckled.

"you started it!"

jisung rolled his eyes playfully, "whatever, now come on."

light sounds of kisses that minho heard after taking a step or two out of the living room was what made him stop in his tracks.

with his eyebrows knitted, he tried to hear what was happening inside clearly.

"i know, now let's gooo..."

"ow! that hurt!" he heard someone wince in pain, then clearly heard a sound of a peck on the lips, "you started it!" the other male defensively answered back.

he bit his inner cheek as he clenched his fist. he heard footsteps approaching which made him snap him out of his trance and calm down before going back to walking to the kitchen.

do you still love me? | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now