Billy Lenz x Traumatized!Reader

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Look at this cute ass fanart I found on Tumblr <3

(I'm going to let you all know in advance- this is a self indulgent, vent oneshot- Billy is one of my favourites and I've just been through some stuff and I need me some good ol' Billy boy to cheer me up.)

(Also, what my cousin did to me, wasn't as bad as it sounds, it was definetly trauamtizing, but I was NOT rap3d. I never allowed it to get that far, though I was still s3xually abu$ed, rap3 is an entirely different matter.)

(I actually wasn't even going to post this at all, because it's a pretty touchy subject for me, but I think I want it out there, so it wont hold as much power over me.)

TW: S3xual Assault, PTSD, child abuse, mental breakdown, Vent oneshot.

"It'll be our little secret.." Those words run through your mind over and over again, tears cascading down your face as you surround yourself in pillows and blankets, the traumatizing memories of your older cousin continuing to torment you.

You try your best to hold back sobs and keep quiet, knowing Billy was probably listening from the attic, if he heard you, he would come down to comfort you, and the presence of a man was the last  thing you needed right now.

"Pretty Y/N? Are you alright?" Fuck.

You wipe your tears on your sleeves, gripping at any composure you had left and sitting upright to face your boyfriend, he stood in the doorway, a worried expression on his face, he furrows his eyebrows, walking over to the end of your bed slowly.

"Does Y/N want a hug?-" "NO! I- ..No... I'm alright, thanks." You avoided eye contact the best you could before Billy hugs you anyways, you yelp, shoving him away.

He sits at the end of your bed in shock. You've never denied him affection before--let alone shove him--and it was overwhelming, but he knew he had to keep calm in order to make you feel better.

"What happened, Y/N?" He asks, keeping his distance this time, watching as you grip the blankets around your shoulders tighter.

"Uhm.. I-" Is all you can get out before tears flood down your face again, you apologize to Billy for crying while attempting to wipe away your tears, but Billy shushes you.

"It's okay, Y/N.. Bil- ..I'm here for you. You can tell me." Your heart softens hearing him speak in 1st person, you know how uncomfortable it made him, but seeing him push that aside for you was enough to make you want to talk it through with him further.

"W-Well, when I was.. around nine, my older cousin, %&*%#, he uhm, he t-touched me.. and he told me that i-if I told anyone, he-" You break out in sobs again, this time reaching out for Billy. He immeadietly reciprocates, pulling you into his arms and letting you cry into his sweater.

"Shhh.. He can't get you, now. I'm here, I'll protect you." He was reciting the same things you would tell him whenever he had breakdowns about what his mother did to him as a boy, you smiled a little, gripping onto Billy's sweater for dear life as you sobbed into his shoulder.

"Billy's got you.." He whispers, rubbing little circles into your back, you nod, wrapping your arms around Billy's waist to hold him closer. "Do you want to go cuddle and watch TV?" Billy asks, you nod slowly, one of your favourite pass times was snuggling up together and watching whatever kids movies you could find on Disney+

So you both go downstairs and watch princess movies all night, ending up with Billy draped across the couch and you laying on his chest. The next morning, all of the girls in the sorority were making fun of you two.

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