Teen!Billy Lenz X Teen!Reader

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also I only write for 1974 Billy, bc I havent seen the 2006 movie yet.

(Also Y/N and Billy are both 16 in this.)

TW: Trauma, swearing, bullying, mentions of child abuse.

Narrator's POV:

Billy didn't usually like going to school, the other kids there would treat him awfully. So usually he would just skip. until he met you.

You made him so excited to go to school, to the point where he would wake up a few hours early to pretty himself up a bit before you two walked to the bus-stop together.

And sure, you might have ended up being popular if you didn't befriend Billy, or "Doggy boy" as your classmates liked to call him, but you didn't care, you liked hanging out with Billy, and he loved  hanging out with you.

The nickname was stupid anyways. They called him "Doggy boy" because of the way he would bark at things when he was happy or excited, but it was incredibly dumb, considering he oinked and snorted way more than he barked, but whatever.

Billy trotted quietly down the stairs of his home, careful not to wake his mother and father while doing so, and made his way into the ktichen. 

He shoved a few handfuls of cheerios into his mouth, before pulling on his shoes and checking his appearance one last time in the reflection on a butter-knife before running outside and down the street to your house.

You were buttering up your morning toast when a loud knock on your front door made you drop your bread on the floor, you frown at it and toss it into the garbage before padding over to the door.

You knew it was Billy before you even got to the door, he's the only one who knocks like that, And he only knocks at all because the last time he slipped through your bedroom window to surprise you, you were not pleased.

"G'mornin', Billy." You say groggily, he smiles, baring all of his teeth before weaselling past you and into your house.

"Is Y/N ready for school?" you were about to mention the absense of food in your tummy before deciding that Billy would feel bad, so you nodded. "Yep, is Billy ready?" he nods, taking your hand and dragging you to the bus stop.


"Ew, it's the school dog! Watch out girls, I think he might have fleas!!" One of the popular girls chirped, followed by a roar of laughter from her friends, Billy lowers his head, holding the straps of his backpack tighter, digging his nails into the material.

Usually, you would be there to kick those girls asses and hug Billy afterwards, telling him that he's too pretty to have fleas, but you were in the guidance councilers office, talking about what you were going to do after highschool. 

Billy says that you should marry him after highschool and move to somewhere fancy together, like France or Italy, but you've always brushed it off as a joke.

"Ewwww! fleas?! get it away, get it away!" One of the other girls yelled, shaking her head in disgust. Billy tries not to cry, because whenever he cried at home, his mum would break things.

"Leave Billy alone." He mumbles, turning to face the girls, his eyebrows furrowed and his form hunched over and vulnerable looking, one of the girls quirks and eyebrow, walking up to him and placing her hand on her hips.

"Dogs don't talk." She spits, slapping Billy across the face just as you leave the guidance office, Billy winces, barely holding back a loud sob. 

You're barely able to scan over the scene infront of you before stomping over and grabbing that plastic bitch by her hair. "CALL BILLY A DOG ONE MORE FUCKING TIME." You shout, tugging her hair tighter, she lets out a loud yelp, apologizing profusely.

"DON'T APOLOGIZE TO ME, APOLOGIZE TO BILLY." She screams at you to let her go, trying to pull her hair out of your grasp, but you only tighten your grip, yanking her backwards again.

"APOLOGIZE TO HIM!" You're nearly screaming now, Billy watches in awe as you go to such lengths to protect him, silently promising himself that he'll marry you one day.

The girl cries out again. "OKAY, OKAY- BILLY, I'M SORRY! JUST LET ME GO!" You yank her hair a final time before throwing her to the floor, grabbing Billy by the wrist and pulling him out of the school. Staying on school property after doing.. whatever you just did, probably wasn't a good idea.

Love and adoration fills Billy's face as you tug him along, stopping and digging his heels into the dirt once you're far enough away from school property.

"Billy? Why'd you sto-" "I'm in love with you, Y/N." your eyes go wide. "W-what? Why?" You question, taking your hand off of Billy's wrist, he grabs your hand again and holds it in his pale, brittle one.

"Because, you're nice to Billy, n-nicer than anyone else Billy has ever met. His only friend."

You nearly melt into a puddle on the ground at his words, immeadiatly pulling him into a bone-crushing hug, he hugs back in under a second, digging his face into the crook of your neck.

"I love you too, Billy.. You're the only person I actually care about.." You chuckle, Billy starts sobbing into your shoulder, probably getting snot and tears all over your shirt, but you don't really care. You tug him tighter to your chest and place a kiss on the top of his head, rubbing little circles into his back.

"Billy loves you so much.." He whispers, you laugh a little, a small stream of happy tears making their way down your face. "You already said that." You croak, he sighs shakily, smiling into the skin on your neck. "Billy knows.. he just likes saying it."

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