Child!Sinclair Brothers & Child!Reader (Platonic)

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(This is a platonic relationship w the sinclair boys as kids.)

(Bo, Vincent and Y/N are all ten and Lester is eight.)

TW: Mentions of Bo's childhood trauma

Narrator's POV:

"Y/N, why don't you go play with the Sinclair kids down the street?" You shake your head, scrunching up your nose and shaking your head. "No way! they're so.. weird.." Your mother slams the pot she was cleaning into the sink and turns towards you with fury in her eyes.

"Y/N, M/N, L/N! You take that back, now! those boys are just the sweetest little things!" Y/N shrugs. "Well, sure, they're nice, but they do weird things." Your mother quirks an eyebrow. "What do you mean 'weird things'?"

You sigh. "Vincent and Lester are nice, but Bo is so mean! he shoved me in the mud last week just because I asked him why his wrists were pink!" Your mother shakes her head slowly.

"And, Lester is always playing with dead things, he brought me a dead bird as a birthday present! and Vince-" "Enough!"  Your mother shouts, cutting your sentance in half, you huff, crossing your arms.

"You will go play with those boys, and you will be kind to them. Do you understand me?" "But mo-" "Do you understand me?"  You sigh, nodding and walking to the front door, pulling on your green rain boots and heading outside to find your neighbors kids.

"Lester put down that poor bird!" You hear a woman yell from the Sinclair's backyard, followed by the sound of Lester laughing.

You contemplate not playing with the Sinclair boys at all and just telling your mom that you did, but it would probably backfire, so you round up all the courage you can and knock on the front door.

"Bo, get the door!" The voice was the same one as the woman yelling at Lester earlier, you hear a  loud huff before the front door opens, revealing Bo, a scowl on his face and tears covering his cheeks, the usually pink marks on his wrists now covered in dried red. jam maybe? (I wish it was jam.. ☹️)

"What d'you want?" He demands, furrowing his eyebrows and shooting you a glare of pure hate and annoyance.

"My mama- uhm.. I was wondering if y-you and your brothers want to play outside with me." The scowl on Bo's face lightens. "You.. want to play with us? with me?" he questions, his angry expression replaced by one of childish confusion, you nod.

"Yeah-huh! I don't know ya'll too well- and I wanna get to know ya!" You smile your widest smile, making the corners of Bo's lips quirk upwards.

"I-I'll go get Vince and Les', you wait here." He says, putting his palms out towards you before running back into his house and yelling upstairs for his borthers to come down.

Their conversation is pretty muffled, but you could catch things like "Y/N is here?" and "They want to play with us?!" from Lester.

All three boys show back up at the front door, Lester smiling at you like you were his favourite thing in the world, Vincent smiling softly at you, one half of his face covered with his long black hair like a curtain, and Bo shooting a sly smirk towards his brothers, puffing his chest out a little.

Bo taps a finger on his chin, almost as if he were deep in thought, before saying "I suppose we could play with you for a little while." and all three of them rushed outside, dragging you behind them as they ran to the nearest public park.

A little while, Bo said. Bullshit.

You all ended up playing at the park until dinner time, when you begged your parents to let the boys come over to your house for dinner.

It wasn't long before "coming over for dinner" turned into a sleepover in the basement.

But can you really call it a sleepover if you stay up all night playing?

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