encountering there first monster

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This is before all the game drama so it's there very first time meeting a monster.

Mono: he was wandering a small forest not for from the one the shack was in. When he can upon a meadow, without a second thought he trotted down to the water. He wanted to boil some, and keep it for supplies. As he bent down to fill up an old bottle he herd a strange groan behind him. As he turned he saw a distorted man, he had moose antlers, and misplaced hands that resembled balls of guts and flesh mashed carelessly together his feet had long dirty nails, that curled and dug into the bottom of his toes. Mono froze in fear, as it slowly stumbled towards him, it's empty black eyes hungering. He wheezed with every lopsided step. He was only a few steps away now, mono snapped picking himself up and bolting, he found himself perched at the top of a tree quickly as he trembled.

Six: she was traveling the hunters forest, she happened to be at the bottom of a trench, rain poured down as she looked for a place to stay. Then a pebble bonked her head. Looking up she saw a fox with bat like ears, and six spider legs, it had a forked tongue and upward facing tusks that stuck out at odd angles as it hissed loudly. Six leaped forward stumbling blindly away, as it squeezed into the trench. It's jaws snapped as it yipped, and yowled, squeezing through the narrow space. Six finally found a cave and swerved I to it, the foxes snout poked in snapping mere hairs away from her face. It soon left giving up.

Seven: he was watching a rabbit on a tree branch as it quietly munched at the grass under it. Soon an ordinary fox pounced out of the bushes hungry for a meal, it pounced towards the rabbit before yelping loudly as the rabbit turned to stare at it. The rabbit had bright green eyes, it reared onto it's back legs, revealing its tusks and serated teeth as it growled, it jaw unhinged as it lept forwards and it ate the fox in one bite. Seven quietly waited for the rabbit to stumble off soon after.

RCG: I don't think I have to explain, but let's say she just grew up in the very little nightmares setting, and it was the first monster seen there.

Thinman: (not included bc he is a monster)

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