if they got kissed

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Welcome. Can I call yall my nomes?

Mono: if he likes the person, he will be reduced to blushing and stuttering he will start crying, and laughing at the same time. Moving his arms and babbling nonsense and thankyous
If he doesn't like them he will explain that he's sorry but he isn't interested, and try to disappear quickly.

Six: if she likes them she'll get quiet hiding her face, and mumbling how perverted they are. Then later will confess to them.
If she doesn't like them she will slap them and storm off silently never talking to them again

Seven: he will pass out regardless, when he wakes up if he likes the person he will hug them and tell them how much he loves them. If he doesn't he'll avoid them, quietly apologizing to them.

RCG: if she likes them she'll smile and tell them right out that she likes them. She is very blunt. If she doesn't she will push them away and yell at them how perverted they are. (Finally someone who has common sense)

Thinman: if he likes them  he'll probably kiss them again, and tell them in a teasing way how much he likes them (barfs) if he doesn't he'll say so, giving a short apology and continuing with what ever.

(I'm sorry but I really hate thinman he's just so wrinkled he looks like a crusty white dish rag
Anyways thx for reading)

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