if you met the characters as a child

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Howdy welcome I'm just gonna jump in to it cause I got nothing to say

Mono: you found him in the depths of the maw trapped under a water pipe, crying for his life. Once you saved him he promised to repay you, and you've been sticking together ever since

Six: in the forest, she thought you were a rabbit when you were stalking through a bush, she attacked you pinning you but once she realized it was just a person, with pockets full of fruits, she stuck by your side like a guard dog.

Seven: he was almost eaten up by a chef when you bashed it upside the head with a pan, then you dragged him to safety. For about two minutes you had to convince him he wasn't dead and you weren't an angel. Then he was enterally grateful.

Thinman: you happened to lean on the wrong tv and slipped right into his room, he looked at you surprised, and instructed you to let him out. Then he kept you as his pet to get into little spaces for him.

RCG: in the forest you almost got eaten by a fox, when she shot a homemade arrow at it, and sent it running. Then she asked if you would like to group up, strength in numbers right? Now you venture around for a place to call home.

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