"Tss. Yes, heichou" she emphasized the word with so much despise in it and left Levi.

Evil. Evil as his height. Don't he dare to talk about my brother like that in front of me. Fuck who's the superior among us. I'm not letting him go away.


Just as he predicted. She does have a weakness. Weaknesses are fears. She fears that of what will happen to Eren. She is vulnerable when he is endangered. He is aware of their relationship, and how Eren thinks that Mikasa thinks of him as weak and needs protection.

The irony.

He sprayed on the windows of the kitchen and proceeded to training grounds after taking a quick bath.

His subordinates are as clean as the mansion. Sure he would not allow any speck of dust on his cadets, especially not on him. They saluted them, he walked passed them one by one and noticing a space between Armin and Eren. He glared at that spot and moved on, only stopping at Sasha's place to ask her.
"Where is Ackerman?" he asked Sasha.

"She told us that she will be late for training because she was facing the umh.. scrub-and-spray-until-the-eastern-dormatories-shine-brightly-as-the-sun-plague" Sasha gulped as Levi looked ticked. Others keeped their laughs contained.

Even in punishments she names?!The fuck would that be a plague?

"10 laps around the mansion" He commanded wearing his stoic face. He received the letter with a stamp yesterday from Erwin confirming superiority from the cadets, which means no halding back now.

He can order them around, make them clean over and over again, kick them in their faces if they screw up and train them till they were formidable.

The running would have made the cadets warmed up and alive. Mikasa arrived while the others were half way on completing the laps. Levi noticed her and glared. "Ackerman, in my office later for first offense on tardiness" Levi announced.

"But you were the one who made me clean the dormatories" She protested.

"You do not talk back to your superiors, Ackerman!" He sneered.

"And you do not accuse a subordinate of tardiness when you just told her to clean all of the eastern dormatories" She shot back earning a good fiery gaze from Levi. He straightened his cravat and cleared his throat

"I can't warn you forever, Ackerman. First offense for talking back to your superior"

"Fuck that!"

"Another for cursing"


"Now join your comrades" he ordered. She shot him with a dark glare before sprinting away. He looked at her as she joined the others.

She was different from the others, he thought. She envelops unusual strength and skills for someone on her age. She is also silently polite. Levi and Mikasa respect's each other's authority in serious times but it all seems to slip away as Mikasa's grudge on him grew. What was her problem with him? Levi could not point out. What is something he said before? But thry didn't talk to each other. Why was she so bitter?


Thinking, is this girl, this girl was somehow... he shooked away the thought. Of course she will never be like him. Unlike him, she does not have high respect on her upper commanders. But then again, he was the only commander which she lacks respect. Unlike him, she has many friends. Unlike him, she was reckless. A lot of unlikeness.

But like him, the brat was strong. The kick she delivered earlier, made him back away one feet. Very impressive indeed. Maybe she'll be promoted into captain two years or three

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