The Makers

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"Mae? Please don't make me sit in the hall." Nery's voice was coming from just outside the door. Mae had just finished getting dressed and was now vainly trying to comb down her mess of fuzzy curls. She turned to give Sunny a raised eyebrow look through the vanity mirror. Sunny was busy pulling her long hair into her signature messy bun but still caught Mae's expression through the reflection.

"Let him in." Sunny said, smiling. Mae walked over and opened the door just a crack.

"What's wrong?"

"Jabez kicked me out." Nery grumbled, nodding his head in the direction of the room they shared. Mae wasn't surprised. She had heard faint grumblings coming from their room for the past five minutes. She rolled her eyes and walked back over to her bag, leaving the door open behind her.

Nery was grinning when he sat down on Mae's bed. He was wearing a flannel shirt that Mae had never seen on him before. It was red and he had rolled the sleeves up past his elbows like he was already too warm in it.

"What are you wearing?" Mae eyed him distastefully.

"Uh, a shirt?"

"You look like the Brawny Paper Towel guy."

"Good. That's just what I was going for." Nery grinned cheekily before turning and acknowledging Sunny.

"Hey Sunny."

"Mornin'" Sunny replied, her voice muffled from the bobbi pin she held in her mouth. Mae tapped him on the knee so that he would look at her again.

"Next time you go shopping for clothes, I'm coming with."

"No thanks." Nery responded automatically. Mae smacked his foot. "Ow! Okay, fine!" He was laughing now, his wide smile devouring his face. Mae cracked a smile too. It was like yesterday's awkward encounter had never happened.

Suddenly, they heard the clomping of boots up the stairs. Tao and Remy arrived moments later, breathing hard and wrapped in their winter attire. Remy had reached the landing at the top of the stairs moments before Tao. He turned and threw his arms up in the air with a victorious shout. Tao groaned dramatically in his defeat but broke into a playful grin seconds later, smooshing Remy's orange hat farther onto his head.

"Good morning!" Tao finally noticed the three of them. "Remy and I were just getting our ride ready." He gestured a thumb in the direction of the front door.

"Great!" Sunny nodded approvingly. "Are you guys ready?"

"I think so. Where are we going?" Nery asked.

"The capital of Raleigh!" Tao replied, swinging his arms wide and dramatically altering his voice to resemble that of a ring announcer. Remy mimicked him and nodded in confirmation. Sunny just shook her head.

"So should we get going?" Jabez interrupted from the doorway, leaning against the doorframe as he announced himself. He was wearing a gray hoodie, black sports vest, and his usual, the world can bite me, face. Tao seemed unfazed by his sudden appearance and gave him a hearty pat on the shoulder - you got it, buddy! - before leading the way downstairs.

Then the six of them were in the foyer pulling on their layers of winter attire. When they finally shuffled outside a loud snort tore Mae's eyes away from the snow glazed street.

"What the..." Mae blinked in surprise. Two of the horses that they'd ridden to Raleigh were standing before them. A topless buggy was being pulled behind them. The red spokes on its wheels stuck out against the snow like winter berries.

"What's with you guys and horses?" Jabez raised an eyebrow at their ride, grimacing openly.

"We're hostlers. Our life is horses." Tao matched Jabez's raised-eyebrow-look.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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