The Gateway

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Mae's eyes fluttered open as her body sensed a change in speed. It took her a moment to remember where she was. The dusty scent of the old train car was her first clue. She rubbed at the puffiness in her eyes, and peeled her forehead off of the cold window pane. Her wrist ached from resting her cheek in her hand for so long. Mae could see her twin in the shiny glass of the window, slow blinking.

The motion beneath her shifted again, getting slower, and a screeching of metal shook her the rest of the way awake. The apprehension that had gripped her earlier that day came back with more zeal as she remembered where she was and where she was headed. She sat up quickly.

Looking to her right she saw Nery, slack jawed with his head leaned back on the headrest of his chair. He had taken off his gloves and unzipped his coat, revealing a black and gray plaid shirt. His skin looked flushed from sleeping in a thick winter coat. Mae swallowed hard and tore her eyes off of Nery's flushed skin. She shook his arm gently. His eyes blinked open, looking unfocused and squinting at the bright landscape outside.

"I think we are slowing down." Mae whispered. Nery sat up quickly, his eyes sharpening as he peered out the window. The trees were getting sparser, Mae realized, as they started coming out of the forest.

"Finally." She breathed.

They were entering a snow covered valley surrounded by tall mountain cliffs. The sides of cliffs were brushed with gray charcoal streaks, their edges covered with thick snowy brush. The valley sparkled with crystallized branches of small bushes and powdered plains. Much to Mae's dismay there was no sign of civilization yet.

"We are arriving at our destination." The conductor slid the door shut behind him. He prodded Jabez on the shoulder who had sunken down in his seat, his chin dipping towards his crossed arms as he slept. Jabez blinked away his surprise when he noticed the conductor standing over him.

"Morning." He greeted him. The conductor raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, it's the same morning it was when you fell asleep buddy."

"Whatever." Jabez replied before adjusting him self into a more comfortable position like he meant to fell back asleep.

Nery turned back to Mae, zipping up his coat and pulling on his gloves as he did so. "Now we get to meet them." He whispered, looking at Mae's eyes now. Letting her read his thoughts - how nervous he was. Mae knew he was talking about the Raleigh people. The "hostlers" the conductor had called them. Supposedly the group that would be taking them on the rest of their journey to the forbidden city.

"The station is up ahead." The conductor announced while pointing out the farthest window. Mae and Nery followed his gaze to where they could just barely begin to see a white walled train station. It was practically camouflaged in the snow.

Mae though about calling Eldred to let him know that they were almost there but she knew he was leading worship practice at this time. They had to be ready for the Easter service tomorrow morning. Mae's thoughts were suddenly full of Easter memories...homemade tacos with Eldred's secret taco meat ingredient - spaghetti sauce. Tacos were the only thing Eldred knew how to make. Mae's mom used to tease him at the Easter banquet, saying that Eldred couldn't boil water if he tried. Mae could still remember her laughter, warm and breathy and smiling.

Mae swallowed hard, chasing the memory down into her stomach where she could tie it into a comforting knot. She tried not to feel homesick about missing the holiday to take this journey.

The train was very close to the station now. Mae could hear the clicking as it hit the buffers that helped it to slow down. The train sighed and puffed as it finally came to a rest in front of the white station.

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