The City of Raleigh

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Hey, Nery and I have arrived. Call you later with more details.

Mae hit send on her text message to Eldrid and shoved her phone into her overnight bag which was now sitting on top of Sunny's daybed - her sleeping arrangements for their stay.

After they had arrived in the square, they dropped off the horses at a nearby stable and took a short ride to the house they were staying at. Apparently Tao and Sunny were some sort of founding family and that's why they'd made the decision to host the visitors. At least, that's what Tao tried to explain while they'd jostled along in a little electric car that was way too small for six people to fit in comfortably.

"Our house is the perfect location actually." Sunny had stated. "We're only a few blocks away from the capitol."

Mae had tried to listen as they talked them through the itinerary for their visit but she kept getting distracted by the sights she saw passing by. At one point they passed by a water channel that cut right through the city. The water churned and foamed, its constant movement keeping it from freezing over like the rest of the city had. Although Mae did catch a few ice patches floating along its surface. She could almost imagine tiny explorers riding those ice patches like a raft.

When they'd arrived at Sunny and Tao's home they were led upstairs to put their belongings away. Nery and Jabez were sharing the spare room at the end of the hall. And since Tao and Remy already shared a room, Mae was given the spare bed in Sunny's room.

Mae looked around Sunny's room now. It was now the middle of the day and the window that sat next to Mae's daybed was washing the room in a bright white glow. The space was humble in its design. Sunny's bed was pushed against the adjourning wall, draped in a thick quilt, and a small vanity dresser sat against the other wall. Sunny had personalized her room with a vintage armchair that was a deep teal color and matched the supple blue curtains that hung by her window.

Sunny had stepped out for a moment to help get Nery and Jabez settled. Mae shoved her bag underneath the daybed and headed down the hall to check on Nery.

"Show some respect! This isn't your place!" Nery was protesting when Mae arrived. He was glaring at Jabez who seemed to have made a nest for himself out of all his dumped clothes on the small bed he had claimed. He was stretched out across it now, glaring at Nery. Sunny was digging through the closet in the corner, pretending not to notice.

"This is how I get comfortable." Jabez explained with a sigh and rolled over so his back was to Nery. Nery scoffed and turned towards Mae, his arm gesturing towards Jabez as if to say 'look at him!' Mae just shrugged and rolled her eyes. Sunny finished digging around in the closet and pulled out two spare pillows which she tossed onto the foot of each boy's bed. She caught Nery's expression and shook her head.

"It's fine. Really." She assured him before heading out into the hallway again. Nery groaned and finished neatly putting his things underneath his own bed to keep them out of the way. He grabbed Mae's hand briefly as he walked back into the hallway too, pulling her and her fluttering heart with him.

When they arrived back down stairs into the kitchen, Sunny was already cutting up some apples for Remy as a snack. Remy was gobbling them down with much relish.

"Would you guys care for a snack?" Sunny offered as they arrived.

Mae and Nery both nodded and sat down at the table as well. After Sunny had cut them each some apple slices Jabez came stomping down the stairs. Before Sunny could offer him a snack as well he found the nearest armchair in the connected living room and threw his lanky form across it.

Mae nibbled at her apple slices, not really hungry. Her curiosity was starting to get the best of her. It was impossible not to think about the stories that had always haunted her.

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