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Scarstu Debris Field... (Y/n's POV)

After some time, we finally made it to the debris field Rivet said Zurkie's was located. However, we weren't there just yet. Probably a few more minutes.

Rivet looks back at Clank who was rather silent.

Rivet: "What's on your mind?"

The small robot doesn't answer.

Rivet: "Come on, let's hear it."

Y/n: "What's wrong, pal?"

Clank: "... I am... feeling a bit responsible for all of this. Perhaps it is because of me me the dimensions are falling apart, that Ratchet and I are lost, and that you are stuck here, Y/n."

Rivet: "Oh... Yeah. Well... hey, your communicator's about to get fixed, so that's... something."

Clank: "Right..."

Clank didn't seem reassured by Rivet's attempt to help. So I only smiled at him.

Y/n: "It's okay, Bolts. It's not your fault. It's Nefarious' for stealing your Dimensionator and causing this mess. So don't worry, we'll fix this soon enough."

Clank seemed to smile at my words.

Clank: "That... helps a bit. Thank you."

Y/n: "No problemo."

I turn back to face the cockpit window, satisfied that Clank was at least a bit more reassured. However, I caught Rivet looking at me in the corner of my eye. I didn't say anything, however, but she began to speak up.

Rivet: "Hey, Y/n?"

Y/n: "Yeah?"

Rivet: "Can I ask you something?"

Y/n: "Shoot."

Rivet goes to open her mouth, but she hesitates. She soon asks me her question, however.

Rivet: "How did you get your cybernetics? Like, were they injured like mine and you had them replaced, or...?"

I hesitate to answer this and use my gloved hand to hold my robotic arm.

Rivet: "I mean, you don't have to tell me of course. That's your business, not mine."

Y/n: "Nah, it's fine. Just... been a bit since I thought about it."

Rivet looks at me and nods. I take this to explain why I look like the way I do.

Y/n: "It was a freak accident. I was just a young boy back then, no older than six. My father was a scientist back then before he..."

I trail off before continuing.

Y/n: "He was experimenting with the idea of turning biomatter into living metal. He made something he called the Metal Virus, but it was only a prototype. And there was an accident in the lab... I was caught in it."

I wince as I remember the pain of the explosion that sent me crashing into the wall. The agonizing pain of my body slowly turning into metal... It was fucking painful as a child.

Y/n: "My father did all he could do to stop the spreading of the Metal Virus through my body with the technology he had, but it never did. It only slowed it down, and I would've ended up as a metal statue sooner or later. However, my dad made this device and surgically placed it in my brain that sends an electric current through my body that controls the metal."

I tap my temple a few times with my metal finger. I then sigh and lower my arm back down to my side.

Y/n: "It stopped it from spreading, but my father could never get it off. I was seen as a freak by everyone but my sister because of it. I had no one... So I made Byte."

A Smooth Criminal (Rivet x Male Lombax Reader)Where stories live. Discover now